I think I've got a virus/worm

Hello… its taken me all day to get this far… phew… hope someone can give me some advice.
Yesterday the avast siron went off and up popped a window telling something to the effect that I’d got a virus but not to panic. It said to try and follow the links provided. So, I clicked on the link and up popped the page notification that the page was unavailable at the moment. That happened again today when the same siron and the same message popped up several times.
So, eventually, I clicked on the avast blue button and saw the chest and various other things which were completely new to me (I didn’t even realise I could click on the blue avast buttons till this happened). I learned about running the Virus Recovery Database. so I’ve done that. But I don’t know if that means I’ve cleaned out the virus/worm… I simply don’t understand enough about what I’m doing. The ‘chest’ has nothing in it. The Log Viewer ‘warning’ box states Sign of “Mnemonix family” has been found in "http://au.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3-19990518/there’s more but it goes off the page. I’ve scanned and it says ‘Number of infected files 0’
So - whats going on. Have I got a worm, or haven’t I? The siron and warning window haven’t appeared for the last couple of hours - since I ran Virus Recovery Database… so has that cleaned out the virus/worm. I do hope somebody can tell me what’s going on. Also, suddenly this afternoon my desktop picture disappeared and I just have a plain orange desktop (with the icons still). I’m not worried about the desk-top, unless - is it part of this virus/worm at work? from Dianne worried and stressed, but proud that I’ve got this far. Cheers.

I suggest you read Avast’s help and make yourself familiar with Avast.

The VRDB has nothing to do with removing malware. It is a database that stores copies of vertain system files so Avast can replace the original ones if they get infected.

The warning you got comes from the WebShield povider. It means it stopped a (possible) malware at the door.

I won’t say it has nothing to do with because, in fact, VRDB is for this: virus recovery database. If an executable (.exe or .com, for instance) get infected, avast can repair the file (or try to). So, VRDB has something to do with removing malware.

No. It’s not precisely this. It’s not a backup feature. It only stores the information needed to try to recover the executables if they get infected.