I think my avast doesn't work

So i think my avast is broken because if i do full scan and check that its just gonna scan 10 gt and sometimes gt 1.0 gt and i have tons of files on my computer is this error or something :frowning:

in my old pc it full scanned it but this is my new computer and it does that

this pc i made by me 8)

i have 300,5 gt used

i have tried repair it and factory reset the settings :-\

Processor: Intel Core i5 4690K 3,5 GHz LGA1150
Motherboard: Asus Z97-C Intel Z97 LGA 1150
Ram: Kingston HyperX FURY Black 8 GB DDR3 1600 MHz CL10
Hard Drive: WD Blue 1 TB SATA3 7200RPM 64 MB
SSD: Samsung 850 EVO SSD 250 Gt SATA3
OS: Windows 10

so is it just avast or my pc or settings

and i dont want virus in my pc :frowning: i had on my old pc virus and had to factory reset windows

i have avast free

if its just avast settings can you give me (if you know) best settings that scans every file in my computer inside and outside

If someone know how to fix this please reply :slight_smile:
sorry about my english i am from finland

I am afraid I am not 100% sure what you are referring to. Are you able to please provide me a screenshot of the scan results so that I can confirm? Instructions for how to take screenshots can be found here —> http://www.take-a-screenshot.org

Are you referring to some files can not be scanned? Is this correct?

I look forward to your response,

ok here is screenshot of it but its in finnish language because i live in finland https://gyazo.com/5782248d4c5c64ffe0bb2255ee5f9286

Try to translate this into english :slight_smile:

What is "scan 10 gt sometimes 1,0 gt " - great tons, general tobacco or what else?

Ok the problem is avast doesnt scan every file what i have and it scans too quick

and here is translate to screenshot

Tarkistushistoria = scan history

Tarkistuksen yksityiskohdat = scan details

Koko tietokoneen tarkistus = full scan

Tarkistukseen käytetty aika = time used in scan

Tarkistettuja tiedostoja = scanned files

tarkistettuja kansioita = scanned folders

tiedostojen yhteiskoko =The total size of the files

tartunnan saaneita = Infected files

Have you the premier or the free version? Try to reinstall the software. :wink:

There are reasons why Avast doesn’t scan all files. Maybe this will help:

ok my problem is not its password secured or something like that

Again - What is "scan 10 gt sometimes 1,0 gt " ???

To me it is fairly obvious when talking about scans the OP is talking about GigaBytes. The amount of data scanned and the image he attached.

If you check your own Scan Logs, scanned data is in there, it might be a different language by the order and information displayed is the same.