I-tunes conflicts

I hope this hasn’t been covered somewhere and I’ve missed it, but my Avast 4.6 home edition seems to cause I-tunes to stop for a few seconds about 10 seconds into each song it plays. At that point the ashserv.exc file is running, taking almost all CPU activity. Is there something I can tweak to solve the problem?

Exclude these files from on-access scanning.
Left click the ‘a’ blue icon, click on the Standard Shield provider icon at left and then Customize.
Go to Advanced tab and click on Add button…

Sorry in advance for my lack of tech savvy…
I added
C:\Program Files\iTunes\itunes.exe
to the exclusions, but I still get the same interruption. I’m guessing I’m missing something simple…

What is it scanning?
If it is not itunes.exe (which I doubt), then there is little point in excluding it.

You haven’t said what your standard shield settings are, I suspect High, try lowering it to Normal and see if that stops scanning media files (if that is infact what it is scanning).

Also are you sure that it is the standard shield that is scanning the files and not web shield or another resident scanner?

Maybe the media files…

Reducing standard shield setting to Normal from High stopped the glitch.
Thanks for the help!

Not a glitch, the Normal setting is the default setting in Standard Shield, increasing the level of protection may slow performance, always a compromise.

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