I want 100% PROTECTION!!


I want 100% protection. I want to buy everything AVAST can provide me with. I wanted to buy Premium but I get this error when I try to pay with Paypal; ‘‘The online content is unavailable. Please check your internet connection and try again.’’ I research this on Google but have no idea what is Fritz and also researched this. It looks like it has to do with the browser I am using. Then again, what does the browser have anything to do with AVAST anyways? I try to buy from AVAST ANTIVIRUS installed on my PC. Not using a browser actually.

Help fast plz. I tried to buy from the website but it asks for much more money than from the AVAST installed on my PC. AVAST installed on my PC gives price of Euro23,88 or something. AVAST website gives a price of more then Euro35… I also want ANTI TRACK AND CLEANUP.
NOTE: I have AVAST PREMIUM on my phone already and don’t want to buy AVAST PREMIUM and the rest for +10 PC/MOBILE, only for 1 PC. If you have any better advice on this, I would like to hear. Since I only have AVAST PREMIUM on my PC and no VPN protection. I also have CLEANUP for mobile. If it is better to buy everything for PC&Mobile then I may do it. It depends on the price.
Since I already have AVAST PREMIUM on my phone, I want decent price for this. Depending on the price given to me, I will decide whether I buy CLEANUP and ANTI TRACK or not. As you know, I want to. But like I said, I want a decent price for it.

So basically, I explained to you my current problem and I want a decent deal. If none of you people can help me out with this here, I would like to ask where I can find one of the owners/the one who’s in charge.
Have a nice day,
Trusted AVAST.

No offense, the prices are actually not bad. I just don’t have much money. This is why I would like to make a deal. If I can make a good deal, I will probably buy for longer than a year.

Have a nice day,

Trusted AVAST.

Contact sales: https://support.avast.com/contact

Thank you.

You’re welcome.