I want refund, how to proceed?

I want refund, how to proceed?
I did not aware of that the order is in self subscribe system.
I dont want to order this anyway.

order number:19617012662


Hi Nicolas179, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

For a refund you have to submit a ticket https://support.avast.com/support/tickets/new?form=2
If you post your Ticket ID, we can ask some attention for it.

Greetz, Red.

Ty for the reply.

I did submit but only got robot reply.

REFUND #642088
REFUND #642079
REFUND!!! #642064
Product refound #642014

Please choose whichever you want…

Hi Nicolas179,

It can take 1-5 working days before you get a reply.
And submitting new tickets will put you back in line.

But I will message someone from Avast to help you.

Greetz, Red.

Thank you for the prompt reply.

I’ll wait then…