I want to alert you about crooked phone techs

My laptop just came back from the maker minus my paid-for AVAST Premier, so I called 866-951-7679 for assistance in regaining the service. Pablo never assisted in that; he flashed some program showing a horribly corrupted system boot up (saying it was mine, insisting I buy their elevated service for 179.-

It so happens that I am subscribed to MSFT tech service for $149.-/year, so I called them. There was absolutely NOTHING wrong with my system, boot- or otherwise. This is the second time this has happened to me. Pls. don’t cal that number for assistance. I have a notion to report them to our State Consumer Protection department.

Has anyone else had the same experience?

Good morning gigsi,

I am sorry to hear about your experience. Could you please email me the details (time /date) of your call and also the email address (if any) that you gave to the rep on the call, and finally the phone number you dialed them from> I can then pull the call recording and find out who you spoke to; if you shared your screen with them I can also pull the recording of that so I can see exactly what took place.
Please email me directly at: riley at avast dot com

I look forward to hearing from you,
Best regards,
Adam Riley