I want to delete my avast forum account. How do i? If a mod can delete it without banning me Then go on and delete my account. As of Now I Quit
There is absolutely, no way of deleting you’re account. If you want to leave then leave and don’t come back that’s how it works. Please stop with the useless posts you are conducting. you’re obviously here to troll. You keep on posting how your posts have been deleted by mods etc. Why do you think they have been deleted? Look at what your posting it doesn’t take a brain Sergent to figure you out. Keep on trolling your account along with your ip will get banned and you won’t be allowed back here.
I’v been monitoring your posts here for weeks.
If you look at the Guest bit under the forum name, you will see that the account has been deleted.
e.g. isn’t active (can’t logon) and is assigned to a/the guest account with no logon/post ability.
Sorry you’ve gone mommy
How could “Mommy” post if she’s a guest? ??? ??? ???
And what do you mean you’ve gone mommy?
Read my previous post.
Must’ve overlooked that! ;D