I have a several account.
So, I want to my account remove.
What should I do? ???
Thank you.
Login to the account you want to remove on https://my.avast.com and delete it.
Can you be a little clearer as to which account that you want deleted.
There is your avast forum account, required to post this, if you have multiple/several accounts.
Or, given that you have posted in the my.avast.com section of the forum and this is about that, then Eddy’s instructions will do that for you.
I could not find the account remove menu in my.avast.com
Where can I find the page?
Open your my.avast.com account, at the top right of the screen is your email address (image1) click that.
From that select Profile details.
This opens another window, at the bottom of that window there is an option to Delete Account (image2).
Oh, Thank you!!! ;D ;D
You’re welcome.