I recently installed ais trial version. The icon in the system tray is constantly rotating. Is this normal? Esmo
It varies and depends on your settings. The cache settings (among others) in avast may help.
BTW, have you rebooted after the installation? Have you uninstalled your old / previous antivirus? Have you removed the possible remnants with the respective removal utility for your old security tools? Partial list and info: http://singularlabs.com/uninstallers/security-software/.
Yes, it’s normal. It will greatly decrease rotating if you perform full system scan. You can also disable rotation in settings by diabling “Animate the icon when scanning”.
LOL why do you even care if its rotating… rotating = showing you that its working without opening the interface and showing you that avast is doing its job no jizz…
The OP did say ‘constantly rotating’ which if true is neither normal nor desirable.
No need to dis the questioner.