Hi everybody
I, ve been using Avast! since 2005 with no problems (usually). Since last update I’ve some small but very irritating problems to me.
I’ve updated Avast! to 4.8 last week on my laptop and then my problems started. Sometimes when I click on “My Computer” or “Trash” or any folder icon which is on the desktop the name of the icon dissapears for a while then comes back again. It’s about half of secod but it’s noticeable. There is no problem when I turn off wallpaper (standart XP bliss wallpaper) and with any other icons than My Computer, Trash or folder which are on the desktop.
Another problem I noticed with explorer bar. When I open any bigger file like JPG or TIFF or any other photo file to full screen in Windows Preview the explorer bar doesn’t hide for a moment when file is loaded. I work ona a big TIFF files (about 12000x12000 pixels) and sometimes open them in preview. It never happened before. The same problem I’ve noticed with old ACD See 32 and it’s full screen preview.
I’ve tried to uninstall Avast! and it helped form my problems. But after clean full installation problems are back. I’ve turned off self defense and anti rootkit features. My Computer is Pentium M 1,73 1GB RAM, Win XP Home SP2.
I didn’t noticed these problems on another 3 computers in my house.
I hope these problems will dissapear with one of next updates of Avast! and these informations will help you in improving Avast! Sorry for my poor engilsh I’ve forrgoten how to use it…last times.