Icon missing from toolbar

I am using the free version and since the last update I now find that even after several re boots the revolving icon in the tool bar is missing. I am using Win 7.
Thnx for any advice as the advice that I can find on the forum seems to be several years old. i.e. 2005

  1. Download Avastclear, Rejzors uninstall tool and the appropriate Avast program edition

Note : You need to be ONLINE during the install (sometimes online installer works whereas offline doesn’t)


Avastclear : http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avastclear.exe
Rejzors Uninstall tool: http://rejzor.wordpress.com/avast-cleanup-tool/

  1. Uninstall Avast by control panel [If you don’t have Avast in control Panel go to #4]
  2. Uninstall in safe mode using Avastclear.
  3. Run Rejzors Uninstall Utility in Normal Mode (removes traces avastclear doesn’t) - reboot.
  4. Install the version you downloaded.
  5. Reboot.