Icon on tray is being killed

Well, seems that other application (maybe Automatic Task Killer https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=biz.stachibana.TaskKiller) is killing the icon on system tray. avast is running if I check the task manager.
If I open avast, uncheck to hide the icon, answering yes and than enabling the icon again, the icon is restored.
Until next killing.

Is there a way to harder/strength the icon on system tray?

Are you using ICS? If so, wait for the next release, there will be certain fix for ICS icon presence so we will see afterwards.


Yes, I’m using the Google 4.0.2 maguro official release (http://code.google.com/intl/pt-BR/android/nexus/images.html), rooted although.

OK, wait for the next release then :slight_smile:


Thanks again Filip.
I know we won’t support non official releases, but I suppose it will work in CyanogenMod (nightly/Kung) stream, won’t it?

It should work more or less fine in CM.

How is the icon problem doing? Still disappearing?


No. Working fine on Google official stock image 4.0.4.

Glad to hear that :slight_smile:
