icone disparue


l’icone d’avast n’apparait plus dans la barre de staches! Comment faire pour qu’elle revienne??

Je suis sous vista pro.


(In English for people who dont understand French. ;))


avast icon is no longer appears in the task bar! How do I return it?

I am under Vista Pro.

Thank you

S.V.P Utiliser le mode de traduction de Google (http://www.google.fr/language_tools?hl=fr) la prochaine fois. Puisque que les autres ne peuvent pas parler francais.

Ici sais un forum anglais.



  1. Check the option in the Appearance tab of settings.
  2. Repair your avast installation through Control Panel.
  3. Make a link to ashdisp.exe in your startup folder
  4. Add the path to ashDisp.exe into a value named avast! in the Windows Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
    See picture here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=26155.msg213891#msg213891

If that does not help, please, uninstall, boot, install again, boot.

What other security based software do you have that might block new startup entries, e.g. Spybot S&D (TeaTimer), AdAware (AdWatch), SpySweeper, Spyware Doctor (StartUpGuard), PrevX, WinPatrol, ProcessGuard, etc.?