The icons for avast! are not blue. They are grey. Where do I find out information to get them blue?
I don’t think you can change the color. It depends on your monitor, video card etc. Have a look here
If you keep the mouse pointer over the icon, how many providers are turned on?
Like Oldman said, the color is not definitive here…
Is there a red cross over the ‘a’ icon?
This is a very common question/concern. If anyone from the avast team is reading, can you comment on this? It would seem that making the system tray icon royal blue(like the ones in the program folder or your site) would emliminate these. Is there a reason for keeping the blue-grey color? Thanks.
We’re saying the common answer: it’s not a problem of avast, but your monitor and video card, drivers, etc.
Most probably it’s not a problem from avast but your video card and drivers…
If the providers are running you’re protected.
Does the ‘a’ icon have a red cross in it? If not, you’re ok.
The provider not ‘running’ is most probably the MS Outlook plugin, open MS Outlook (not Express) and you’ll see it running 8)
Well the ones in my program folder aren’t royal blue either, you would still get monitor, graphics card and background colour options that would have an effect in the perceived colour.
The effect of the 3D style shading on the a icon makes it look lighter (blue grey).
When I said program folder, I meant the avast4 program folder on your drive, not the Programs folder in your start menu. Sorry if there was confusion there. 3 of the icons in that folder are the blue-grey but look at ashAvast.exe, ashQuick.exe and the three others beginning with Visth. They are definately a nice blue color compared to ashDisp.exe and the one in the system tray. I agree that video card, monitor and graphics setting will vary the color however, if those items are set to defaults than the system tray icon is a grey-blue color…not the nice blue that ashAvast.exe is. And changing the video colors or changing a monitor will not change the fact that ashAvast.exe is a nicer blue compared to the system tray. They will both change together and there will still be a difference between the two. I wasn’t saying it is a problem with avast…it is obviously by design. All I was saying is why do they have some blue-grey and some a nice blue. Making them all the nice blue like ashAvast.exe would stop a lot of these posts.
That is an image of my avast4 folder in explorer not the start menu.
This image shows all application icons in the avast4 folder. So all the previous comments about colour, monitor, graphics card, background still stand.
You’re image didn’t come through. Can you try again? This time use a .jpg as .gifs only translate 256 colors. I attached an .jpg image. There are two different color icons. There have been two since I started using avast 2 years ago and it’s been that way in every install I have done for friends. Graphic cards, monitors, and backgrounds have nothing to do with it unless you are running a screen with only 256 colors. When run in full 32-bit color, there is a grey-blue icon and blue icon.
There really isn’t any point in displaying images at that size as they aren’t going to be that size for systray icons and the system tray icons won’t look much different in anything greater than than 256 colours anyway.
Display your View folders as Details, you will get a reasonable representation of what they are likely to look like as system tray icons. It won’t make much difference if you save the screenshot image as jpg or gif, same capture but saved as a jpg.
Funny…I can’t open any photos attached to these posts. Even mine from the previous post. Are you able to open them? I changed the view to “detail” and I can still see two different color icons pretty clearly.