ICSA Labs Offers First Anti-Virus Certification Program for Microsoft Windows 7

Five Software Vendors Meet Testing Criteria

thanks a lot for those news
i have a question:are you reporter ::)?

i have a question:are you reporter ?

God bless you you are amazing in news :o :o

Hi folks,

I think pondus has found this info online, because various security sites have it to-day.

But for what it is worth? To have your product tested against a bunch of pre-determined malcode and see whether there are no FPs and underlying issues with the OS involved? And then I think you have to bring a considerable amount of money to get certified.

I also have read the above link: http://www.icsalabs.com/press-release/icsa-labs-offers-first-anti-virus-certification-program-microsoft-windows-7

here was where I find this quote:

“The continuing onslaught of malicious code means it remains critically important that end-users have help maintaining the security of their operating systems, even on the newest ones," said Andrew Hayter, anti-malcode program manager, ICSA Labs. “ICSA Labs works closely with product vendors and corporate users to develop thorough, up-to-date testing standards for anti-virus products. We provide continuing assurance on security products, with the overriding goal of helping end-users make informed buying decisions for their organizations."
