I’ve never had any problems when I’ve had to update before. I think once I had to put the file in the exclusion list and it worked then on the WinXp version. I didnt have an issue updating IDM this time on WinXP.
But the same version of Avast on Win10, when I went to update IDM it wouldn’t let it overrite the main program file of IDM. I even added that file to the exclusion list. But it still came up with the same error. I knew it was something to do with permissions. In the end I lowered the shields while it updated it (only took about 5 seconds to update)… then re-up’ed them and then did the computer reboot and all was good.
IDM does have a page about different anti-virus software and the page for Avast is here: How to configure avast for idm But as you can see, it is more for the paid version were it has firewall control. I’m using the free version.
It was a generic windows 10 error. Like file not found, or source not found, even though the file IDM.exe was there. When I looked on the microsoft site one of the suggestions was if the program didn’t have permission to interact with the file.
There is no Avast warning that pops up. It just blocks it and windows pops up the error message. Only way to get it to update is to drop the shields until it updates the IDM.exe file.
His version was version was 6.25 Build 8 Final. Mine is very 6.25 Build 12 Final.
Edit: It’s like Avast isn’t taking notice of the exclusion list. I had a similar issue a year ago on the WinXP IDM update. I ended up adding IDM.exe to the Avast exclusion list and it worked. I’ve added IDM.exe to the version on the Win10 computer. But it still interferes.