Happens with Roytam1’s unofficial fork of Basilisk. And with every new version I have to report it again. CyberCapture says the file is safe but it instantly gets detected before launch.
report the False Positive using https://www.avast.com/false-positive-file-form.php, please.
Wait for a final verdict from avast team after the apparent FP has been reported.
They are the only ones to come and unblock.
In the mean time consider that,
there are spammy looking links there:
Any links with funky anchor text? Yes there are:
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polonus (volunteer 3rd party cold recon website security analyst and website error-hunter)
FP https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file-analysis/ODRjZjA2ZDYzOWE3ZTk0YmNiYWMzNWVkM2I0YjlkYjg6MTYxMzQ3MTA0OQ==/detection
Clean voted yesterday evening