You will see some of the photos are duplicates, as we believe avast is using old http response data for future responses. Some images break all together.
We don’t have this problem with any other virus software and just started having the problem (after 3 years) when some of our users started downloading your product (help!! we have millions of users and this cannot get out of control!)
If we cannot get this fixed, we’ll have to broadcast to our users not to use avast and we don’t want to do that because it seems to be pretty good (good work).
Thanks for the heads up but I have already tested this site with Web Shield and could not reproduce any problem. Avast is not using any old response data for future anything since it does not provide any caching. I would really like to find out the cause but I need to reproduce it here. Perhaps you can post a screen shot of misbehaved page?
I’m pasting two images, as I reproduce the bug. The first screen shot shows our ‘Who’s Online’ list and you will notice two of the photos are the same – but the images are two different file names in the HTML code.
The second screen shot is when you go into a profile. It shows the wrong photo – it’s stretched because it’s the wrong image, yet the correct dimensions for the right image and has the right file name in HTML.
It appears that something is going wrong between avast and IE. When you keep hitting refresh, it will finally put in the correct image.
Again, this is happening to thousands of our members…but only when they use IE 6.0.2900 and the Avast Web provider.
I just checked all those pages, and I couldn’t find a single photo duplicated. Same configuration here (same browser, same antivirus, web shield enabled)…
Also, I checked more than 50 profiles, and I couldn’t reproduce the problem… sorry, just wanted to give input from this side, hope you’ll find where the core of the problem really is…
I tried it using firefox and no duplicate photos, my only problem was that using dial-up the page loads very, very slowly.
Perhaps you should click the view source code and check that as just seeing and image of the page without the underling html code (difficult with .asp pages) doesn’t really help.
Are you using any form of proxy, some ISPs have their own proxy which may have old data.
However, I can’t see how this can happen, it shouldn’t matter how old that data is because the html code to get the image 'img src=“http : //, etc. etc… …” shouldn’t load a different image, unless of course your are reusing image filenames (or non-unique image names, but that doesn’t appear to be the case) when a image is retrieved it can only be that in the url.
Since the page is created dynamically is it possible that that may be the source of the duplication?
I tried it last night with Firefox and saw plenty of duplicate photos. However, there appeared to be other problems because the page would never finish loading. I tried it with Webshield on, paused, and off and it would never load completely. I may have just been having local Internet problems at the time, though.
Regardless, I most definitely saw the duplicate image issue.
Again, this is happening to thousands of our members...but only when they use IE 6.0.2900 and the Avast Web provider.
He speciaficaly said it only happens when using IE. He didn’t even mention Firefox. I use both browsers and have no problems at all regardless of am I using one or another to test that page…
When did 639 come out? Even lukor only mentioned 635 in this very thread. How did you get 639?
Also, I think if the original poster mentioned that he saw the problem only in IE, it is significant if other users are seeing the problem in other browsers. Do you feel differently?
Some ISPs are using internal cache proxies to cache their own traffic (webcache).
This could be one of the problems. Also try to clear the cache and set all Zones to default values.
This has been resolved thanks to the Avast team!! The TangoWire servers were passing 1 byte too many in the content entity of each HTTP header. The “Content-Length” header was 1 byte smaller than the actual content.
This resulted in a pipeline out-of-sequence error on the client, thus producing broken images.
If Avast were not such a good product - we might not have ever found this error.
THANKS to everyone!! We cannot tell you how much we appreciate your product and your professional team.