Hi, does Avast provide a popup blocker for web pages? I have turned off the IE popub blocker and some pages still cannot open useful pages. If yes, how could I disable the popup blocker?
Hi, does Avast provide a popup blocker for web pages? I have turned off the IE popub blocker and some pages still cannot open useful pages. If yes, how could I disable the popup blocker?
No, avast does not have an anti pop-up feature.
Maybe the problem could be at WebShield and your configuration.
Which Windows do you have?
Which firewall are you using?
Any local proxy application is being used (like Proxomitron, for instance)?
The answer could be in your firewall options. If you use some firewall which has pop-up blocking features, check to see is it set to block those pop-ups. See how it looks in Kerio Firewall:
hi all! ;D i got a question and some mores but for the moment this is one of them
does avast! professional edition come with a firewall? and if it has it how can i activate it?
if one o you have the answer plz post it as fast as you can
good and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
What about simple use some qualite browser ?
from IE6 based ones :
Maxthon http://www.maxthon.com or Avant http://www.avantbrowser.com
both got inbuild popup blocker plus there exist additional plugin modules…
from Gecko based ones:
Mozilla, FireFox, Flock, Dr. Orca
even they got implemented some protection i suggest get some extending modules …
that will solve 99% of problems …
avast! Pro does not have a firewall.
well what can i say, thanks turkey i just asked if avast! comes with a firewall
but here other question, which is the best firewall for using with avast! or what is opinion about McAfee’s firewall?
I’ve use McAfee Firewall for almost half a year until I switch to Zone Alarm and then Comodo. McAfee Personal Firewall works really great, if you’re using McAfee, stick with it.
The reason that I switch is because I didn’t feel a certain bond (I know, it’s weird) between me and the firewall. I’m just strange like that. ;D
All firewalls work really well with avast! in my point of view.
i was looking for afree download the price is nice but in this case i dont have money for buy it : i hope find a free download page maybe there’re many in there ???
if one of you can help me i’ll be glade
There are several free firewalls but my favorite is ZoneAlarm Free as I have used it for about 5 years with complete success. ZA Free also monitors/blocks all my computers ports in the original configuration. ZA Free works very well with Avast!
Oh alright, there are many free firewalls on the internet. You may try Zone Alarm which happens to be one of the easiest firewalls out there for configurations. During your installation of Zone Alarm, you might get a pop-up that deals with the incompatibility issues with Webshield. You can click No since you’re using the free version which does not have the privacy controls. Just like what CharleyO had said, Zone Alarm (both free and Pro) works really well with avast!.
and i for example use with success KPF 4.x …
hi all i just download kerio personal firewall and is nice im starting to use it the matter is that when installing a firewall it notifies about every single incoming and outgoing connection; for example i have a peer-to-peer program :-\ and the firewall was blocking some incoming conections those conections were the downloads.
and my question is does kerios have a menu where i can choos what conections permit and conections deny?
if someone have an answer i’ll be glade for it
cheers and have a nice rest of the year ;D
You mean which programs you want to permit or deny access to the internet or LAN?Sure this is it(click the thumbnail to get full size pic):
Have Fun
hi mikey have a nice day and thanks for helping i realy apreciate it
No problem