I use a broadband modem to log on each time i connect to my ISP.
i successfully downloaded from microsoft 3rd nov 2006 latest IE7
Once connected using my usual dial up box i later get another dial up box… and when i try to remove it from screen if disconnects my original connection.
How can i stop this additional box appearing.
Thanks for any forthcoming help
Thanks for the welcome…
I only have my ISP dial up in the connection settings.
A few mins ago i was surfing the net and i decided to log onto yahoo messenger so i clicked on usual icon and logged on ok but i alsoi got the DIAL UP BOX AGAIN… if i try to close the box it disconnects from net but if i just hit connect option the box disappears ok… and eveything is fine… i just wish to stop the box appearing n the first place .
If your on broadband now you shouldn’t need to use dial-up, so it looks like Yahoo is trying to dial your default connection which still must be listed somewhere.
So are there any dial-up connections listed in the Dial-up and Virtual Private Network Settings window that Bob posted ?
You could also try the ‘Dial whenever a network connection isn’t present’ and see if that stops it.
Yes i am on broadband but i dont stay connected all the time… i have a usb modem to connect.
i attach a jpg of the box i get… it isnt my usual sign on box
Yes, that may well be your dial-up connection image, but you should also have the same settings in IE7 as the image that Bob has displayed. I don’t use IE7 but I assume it would be similar to IE6 Tools, Internet Options.
Also one of those connections that appear will be your default connection, that one should be the ADSL modem connection, otherwise Yahoo will be using the wrong one. Or if it is using the same one but duplication that, then try the other option I suggested earlier ‘Dial whenever a network connection isn’t present.’ Either that or stop Yahoo connecting automatically.
I’ve had the same d#mn dial-up connection dialogue box after installing IE7 too- usually when using Media Player to watch a video clip, although other applications seem to bring it up when attempting to use the internet: SpywareBlaster today, I think.
If you’re on broadband, you’re always connected and should therefore not select any connection selection.
(the suggestion David made would be OK since it would also result in not connecting.)
The Modem referred to in these settings is for dial-up purposes. Since you don’t need to dial a phone number,
it doesn’t apply to broadband or cable users.
You are always connected as long as your computer is turned on. (Even after the computer is shut down unless you turn off the modem)
Look at the picture I posted.
Correct Frank but you don’t dial a phone# in order to connect your computer to the internet.
Those of us using Cable also have a Modem which is simply a conversion device. (Etymology: modulator + demodulator)
Just going to ask a silly question about this dial up box showing up if you are on Dialup
would you be charged for reconnecting, or is this just another glitch.
You are always connected as long as your computer is turned on.
Correct Frank but you don't dial a phone# in order to connect your computer to the internet.
My connection is not always on: I have to use a dial-up connection to connect. The number is ‘0’. The IE7 glitch produces the dial-up connection dialogue that keppy posted. This is also the dialogue box that comes up if an application wants to connect to the internet and I’m not connected, but in this case I am already connected.
Strange, maybe it's different in your country.
Here, with DSL, your phone is hooked into one line of the splitter and the other line goes to your Modem.
The Modem is then plugged into your computer. The computer never dials a #.
here bob…the above link will show it better…and that is the way mine is-so i can have my alienware laptop wireless(no cable) so i can take it out on the patio or in the house somewhere if i need too and the download speed is @7500 kbps and the upload speed is @950 kbps :
have a good one my friend 8)