ie7 pro

i read on some comment on c-net that it takes over your system does it actually do that?can anyone help.or is it a good add on?

I presume you mean IE7Pro?

What is the reference on c-net?

I use it and I like it especially its Accu Weather Plugin.

i just read on somebodys comment you know how people leave comments?so its not true right?i want to download it can you show me how to configure it or do i just leave it on its default settings?

IE7pro works just fine with default settings and does not take over the computer. Whoever posted that has no clue. If you want to change it’s settings, maybe YoKenny can help you with that.

thank you charlieo

I do not use Ad Blocker as the use of the HOSTS file is much more efficient:

I manage them with HostsMan and I use its Web speedup proxy HostsServer:

I do not use Mini Download Manager as I am on a DSL connection and do not need download recovery.

I don’t use FasterIE nor Online Service.

yokenny is cable an dsl the samething?cause i have cable an if it is the same i shouldnt use download manager? why dont you use faster ie nor online service?im not that good with computers thats why im asking for help.thank you

is cable an dsl the samething?
It is not exactly the same thing as DSL connectivity is delivered through telephone connection and cable is through a TV cable connection.
shouldnt use download manager?
A download manager ( DM ) is mainly for dial-up connection where the downloads often are quite large and dial-up connections frequently drop resulting in a re-connection and a restart of the download.

As a cable or DSL connection is Always On then disconnections usually never occur so the use of a DM is un-necessary.

why dont you use faster ie nor online service?
There have been reports of Faster IE causing hangs so I don't use it plus having a high speed connection it is not necessary. I don't use Online service as I do not need to share my Favorites between computers.
im not that good with computers thats why im asking for help
Its good that you found help here and that you are willing to learn this complicated subject.
As a cable or DSL connection is Always On then disconnections usually never occur so the use of a DM is un-necessary.
Try downloading something that comes in 46 parts without a Download Manager..... ;D

Like what?

URL reference?