IE9 Crashes, Chrome churns while running SANDBOX

I downloaded Avast! Pro a couple months ago. I loved the extra protection and everything worked fine. 3 Weeks ago IE started crashing upon launch, and 2 days ago Chrome stopped loading pages…just churns. If I launch either browser upon start-up, prior to Avast kicking in, everything is fine. I have Win7, 6Ram, 3.2GH processor, and a huge HD. My questions are this:

  1. How do I fix it?

  2. If I disable the web-shield, am I still protected from viruses? The Free Avast doesn’t even have the sandbox, so wouldn’t I still be safe having Pro and stopping the shields?

I appreciate any and all help, as I am starting a new job TOMORROW (yikes!) working from home and I have to use IE9 and Outlooks. (just found out today) I will be viewing videos and images on the web from strange websites and I need to have protection.

I am a tech-savvy mom…but not a programmer…if you respond please speak slowly and clearly:)

                                                                                                                         Thanks in Advance
                                                                                                           [size=14pt] [i][b]  I need a hero![/b][/i][/size]

Do they run fine if you dont run them in the sandbox? If so it might be that you need to clear the sandbox cache and then reenable it.

Thanks for responding! :slight_smile:

Yes, they do run fine outside of the sandbox. If it is safe for my pc I could just leave the sandbox disabled until a patch is created.

I will have to check on the sandbox cache…not sure how to do that, but I will go dig around and give it a try!

Its a button, in the Sandbox’s Expert Settings, labeled something like “Clear Sandbox Contents” or something similar. Its not too hard to find in there. But yeah, try that first and let us know how it goes.

I found it…took out the trash…now Chrome is working fine, at least from the tests I did briefly. It had been loading bookmarked sites Ok to start with…but eventually would stop loading even those.

I just spent a few minutes entering in websites that I have not ever visited before, and they loaded as fast as my slow rural-DSL ever does. Problem one solved I hope!

IE still crashes upon launch while being sandboxed. That is the browser I will need for the new job. I wish I could use anything else…but not my rules;)

Do you suggest that I have the sandbox on “auto clean-up” every so often? Or should I just go clear the cache manually?

The only suggestion i have for Internet Explorer problem is to reset the brower. Find internet options in IE(I’m not sure which version your using, I’m using IE9 and the options are found under a gear looking icon at the top right of the browser) and then go to the last tab named “Advanced”, then towards the bottom of that there should be a button named “Reset…” use that, and see if you are still having problems with IE.

I gave it a try, but to no avail! I do thank you for the help. I have a friend who is beyond a software engineer, and uses the free version of Avast, that suggested changing the LAN settings, and that didn’t work either. He is scratching his head about this as well.

I am still hoping that Avast support will contact me with the solution…I have submitted a ticket for tech support.

                         Thanks Castayr