If I delete Avast what happens to the Virus Chest?

Just curious as to what would happen. Would the files be left untouched? Do they also get deleted?

It is deleted too, the files aren’t restored, they get removed/deleted during the uninstall process.

So I can’t even switch anti-virus programs because I’m scared Avast may delete some important stuff after this recent nonsense. I try and hit restore on files that I know for a fact aren’t harmful and it doesn’t seem to do anything either. So I guess I’m stuck with this?

Files are restored when clicked on to do so, just a copy is left in the chest.

Did you actually check the original location ?

As CraigB said a copy remains in the chest, this is more a safety measure should anything go wrong during the Restore, you at least have the copy in the chest.

When you confirm that the copy is back in the original location (the copy in the chest and tell you where that locations is ‘Properties’), you can manually delete the file from the virus chest.