If Windows User Goes Mac... Ques, Ques,!

The only OS I’ve worked with is WindowsXP! I realize a lot of my knowledge is security based due to Windows “open” nature! Security forums are where I’ve picked up so much great stuff & support. The knid of information companies don’t give you–experienced users give you. So in transitioning to a Mac how does one get that?

How do you harden Mac?

Configure its firewall?

Turn off unecessary services?

What are the great resource sites for Mac users?

Who are the Gurus?

What if you run whats-it-called boot camp or even Office program, I understand it’s MS’s–isn’t that a security hole? How do Windows updates work with it?

I have seurity related questions. I do not believe Mac to be impenatrable. It may be safer than Windows with AV, AS, AT, HIPS but I read the SANS Top 20 re Macintosh. I noticed Avast has a beta Mac AV. MAC(Avast Mod), what if anything do you run for security?

Is Safari safer or Firefox?

I’ve never had wireless. Aren’t there additional security concerns?

I’m interested in Leopard. Isn’t there a sandbox feature in it? Maybe not. I found a Mac update page.

I’m envisioning a scenario where I won’t be able to get a lot of information because of the panacea that surrounds Mac re their invulnerability!

Why don’t more persons buy Macs? All the brilliant guys on the various security forums running Windows–what’s up with that?

I’m a bit PTSD’d (post traumatic stress disorder) behind active backdoor trojans in Windows/System32 & I’ve come to realize with today’s malicious rootkits the bottom line seems you don’t know whether or not you’re clean.

Okay! I think I’ve given an idea of what’s whirling around in my head! Thank in advance!

What are the great resource sites for Mac users?
This should keep you busy for a while: http://www.passtheshareware.com/mac.htm http://www.woz.org/maclinks/
Why don't more persons buy Macs?
Simple answer: M O N E Y ! ;D

I for one already own a Dual Core processor and am not about to go out and buy another one.
If Apple however changes their policy, I might still wind up running their OS.

Merci Beaucoup! I’m fond of your photo! It’s so “loving”! :wink:

It’s meant to be. :slight_smile: Check out the 1st link in my signature if you don’t know why. :slight_smile:

How do you harden Mac?
Turn on the firewall and Enjoy and install Avast for mac once it is released
Configure its firewall?
The Mac Firewall is configured through the system prefrences.
Turn off unecessary services?
unnessecary services are turned off by the prefrences pannel
What are the great resource sites for Mac users?
Macworld.com and apple.com
Who are the Gurus?
the guys at your local apple store that call them selves "Mac Genius". I am the Guru here on the forums.
What if you run whats-it-called boot camp or even Office program, I understand it's MS's--isn't that a security hole? How do Windows updates work with it?
Boot camp is software to set up windows on your mac. you then choose at startup which OS to run. if you boot into windows it is windows and you must run all the security sotware for windows. There is also software called Parallels desktop that rund Windows inside the Mac OS via virtulization.
I have seurity related questions. I do not believe Mac to be impenatrable. It may be safer than Windows with AV, AS, AT, HIPS but I read the SANS Top 20 re Macintosh. I noticed Avast has a beta Mac AV. MAC(Avast Mod), what if anything do you run for security?
As I post this there are no in-the-wild viruses for Mac OS X. There are some proof-of-concept malware samples and this is why avast is developing a mac version because just because there is n malware now does not mean that the mac will always be virus free
Is Safari safer or Firefox?
Firefox by far, Safari is slow and very memory hungry, not a very good browser
I've never had wireless. Aren't there additional security concerns?
Same security issues apply to mac as the do to windows in regards to wireless
I'm interested in Leopard. Isn't there a sandbox feature in it? Maybe not. I found a Mac update page.
I'm envisioning a scenario where I won't be able to get a lot of information because of the panacea that surrounds Mac re their invulnerability!
Macs are not invulnerable I will awnser any question
Why don't more persons buy Macs?
Pick almost any software title and it has a windows version. Most big software titles also have a mac version but some software (mostly games) do not run on the Mac. That is not to say that tere is not mac games, there are plenty but they come out months later than the windows version (with the exception of World of Warcraft) It reason used to be price, but now that apple uses intel that is no longer an issue. If you configure machine equal (Core 2 Duo vs core 2 duo) then the mac is sometimes cheaper than the PC however you can find PCs with cheap celeron chips that are far less expensive than the macs.
I'm a bit PTSD'd (post traumatic stress disorder) behind active backdoor trojans in Windows/System32 & I've come to realize with today's malicious rootkits the bottom line seems you don't know whether or not you're clean.
Currently there are none for the mac, however I recommend you install and use Avast for Mac once it is released in case there is a real mac malware outbreak

When you buy a mac you also get a PC as you can still run windows so keep that in mind if you still have windows only software

Now the downsides to the Mac:

1)You can not upgrade the Processor or Motherboard on ANY mac; however RAM, HD, Optical drive, are upgradeable. And graphics are upgradeable(but only on the Mac Pro)

Actually you can upgrade the processor but it voids your warrenty. The reason you cant upgrade the motherboard is Macs use EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) which is Intel’s replacement for the BIOS. Some PCs are starting to use EFI (x64 version of XP and I think the x64 version of Vista support it. I know Windows server supports it as it is required for the intel Itanium processor)

2)currently there are some software titles that willnot run on an Intel Mac at full speed (the big one is Photoshop) aas they are still PowerPC and must be run in emulation

  1. some external drives do not have mac drivers; however the built in OS X ones work 99% of the time still you may get one of that 1%

Remember if you have any problems call apple, post here, or visit your apple store. Apple is rated No 1 in computer support currently by Consumer reports

In USA maybe. In Greece (and perhaps some other countries) they have representatives who may not do such a great job. Greek Mac (sounds like a burger-there actually is one available here by that name ;D) users have made this page → http://www.wewantapplegreece.com/ asking for official Mac support. Just FYI.

spyros, Yes I was refering to Support in the USA and Canada (Canada support is handled by the same offices as USA Support)


Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond so thoroughly!

I fell asleep dreaming of Apples!

It’s really generous of you to share your expertise with me. I’m very grateful.

And I’d like to wish you a Happy New Year!


PS I think the Apple stores just opened. I might go take a look!

PPS Mac, is there any benefit in postponing a purchase until Leopard is out?

If you want to get leopard with your mac you can wait. If you do not wait Leopard will cost $129 (or $70 if you know a colege student who can buy it for you)

Also if Apple releases Leopard and you fall within the dates of the MacOS Up-to-Date program(Typically 20-30 days) you get it for free (you do pay shipping though)


That’s quite a price break! Maybe I should enroll & go back to school online!

So the benefit would be monetary & not technical then.


$129 is still less than the price of XP Home and its not watered down like XP Home is

I think if you factor in the hours, days, or longer, spent on Windows system security

issues, from researching, trialing, configuring, scanning with multiple layered solutions,

wait time for HJT log analysis–albeit your signs & symptoms are clear enough to easily

enable accurate diagnostics & there exists a known course of treatment/resolution that

you are privy to, security application compatibility issues including isolating those or the

components of those that are not playing well, waiting for solutions to bug reports,

general system malaise/drain attributed to security setups, damage done by malware–

to your system, peace of mind & or in the worst case scenario to your life,

so on & so forth… the cost is staggering!


I think if you factor in the hours, days, or longer, spent on Windows system security


Most security issues can be traced back directly to the us or misuse of the operating system.
Since I’ve used Windows XP from the first day it was released, it’s given me nothing but good service and I personally
feel that bashing XP or any other operating system in order to bolster another accomplishes nothing.
One of the main reasons Apple’s operating system is fairly free of any issues is due to it’s sparse use.
If OSX where as popular as XP, it would have just as many issues.
Hackers aren’t interested in trashing a system that’s only used by a small percentage of users.


In another thread about what notebook to buy… I referred to an article from Macworld http://www.macworld.com/2006/12/secrets/janmacosxhints/index.php about problems removing stubborn software in macs. You said just delete it. Please review the article & give us your opinion.

I’m considering a Mac (laptop) for my next computer. I won’t buy until after Leopard & Vista are both out long enough to make a good decision.

you could do the new user trick, but I find it easier to delete it from the terminal.
if you want a way (other than just dragging the app to the trash) to delete program try this:

But 99.9% of applications can be uninstalled by dragging the program icon to the trash

Next tuesday Jan 9th is the Macworld Keynote speech by steve jobs. At WWDC back in the fall steve said there were features that were still top secret (read as not finished) those will likely be showed off in the keynote. That should give you an idea about what else is in leopard.
So read around about what he says at the keynote or watch the replay online (I always post a link here on the forum)

Mac, I only brought up the issue of stubborn files as I never had or heard of that problem in Windows & in makes me wonder if there are other such quirks in Mac os. Please understand I’m not trying to find fault with Macs. I just want to evaluate, compare & learn. Don’t want to buy a Mac & wish I stayed with Windows or buy Vista & wish I went with Leopard.

I bought my first computer Oct. 2002. I looked at an IMac at CompUSA & an Emachines next door at Best Buy. I spent a week trying to make a decision, one day Mac the next XP. Finally went for $200 cheaper & more software availability with XP.

I remember reading in a thread you told someone you could find equivalent software for Macs as for Windows. I’m thinking there is a lot more for Macs than 4 years ago. Will there be an Avast Home Edition for Macs? Or will it be Avast Pro only for Macs? Any anti-spyware for Macs?

I did some research on firewalls for Macs. Found no free aftermarket fws, just 3 that we have to buy & the reviews said they were no better than the firewall built into OSX. From what I have read the OSX fw is just like the XP fw–only inbound protection.

Please bring bring me up to date.

PS: It is unfair to be able to run Windows on Macs, but not Mac OS on Windows. A good lawyer could burn Apple big time on that. Such things happen all the time in courtrooms.

PS: It is unfair to be able to run Windows on Macs, but not Mac OS on Windows. A good lawyer could burn Apple big time on that. Such things happen all the time in courtrooms.
This is exactly why I've been trying to promote a Legal version of OSX which will run on a Dual Core Intel system which runs XP. :) [url]http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=23604.0[/url]

Microsoft makes no restrictions on the computers Windows can run on Apple Does, unfair or not thats the way it is. Unfortunately preaching that to me will not do any good as I am not on the apple board of Directors :wink:

The firewall in tiger is inbound only unless you tell it otherwise in the terminal. Leopard’s firewall should have inbound and outbound by default. (rumors say it is in the Developer preview)

As for Home edition for mac I dont know. I can say that the Avast for Mac that I tested was nice and it was stable ( no crashes) Alwil will let us know closer to final release if there will be home and pro or just one paid version