IFrame to Tech,DaivdR or someone might be able give me some advise in what to do

Good Afternoon,

For the last 2 weeks I have received a newsletter from Soapcentral.com which comes to me every Monday which I have no problems in receiving it. But now for the last 2 weeks everytime I receive it Avast gives me a warning of IFrame which I wrote to the owner of Web page and newsletter that goes out by Dan J Kroll that I get this warning for the last 2 weeks in getting a Newsletter quote this is what he said [color=Purple](IFRAME is a way the page is designed–it is code to keep the newsletter formatted properly. It is NOT a virus) my question what should I do next week when I receive this letter delete or continue if you say continue can u please tell me step by step I should do. Any help on this would help. Thank you very much for your assistance. I will follow your advise that is best for a person who dosen’t know much about IFrame and is a older person to this new technology and terms. Weird my color did not come out in Purple after the quote.

Hi there!

Here is some more info about IFrame-problems


Please use the search-button before you start a new thread, many things have been asked before.

Thanks for the advise but I still don’t what I should do Use DavidR or Tech I just get IFrame from this one email Soapcentral.com


  1. Left click the ‘a’ blue icon.
  2. Choose the Internet Mail provider at left.
  3. Customize buttom at right.
  4. Heuristic tab of settings.
  5. Permitted…
  6. Add buttom. Write ‘soapcentral.com’ and click ok.
  7. Close the windows

Let us know if it works…

Thanks Tech for the help after I do that do I put it back to high on both on custom and internet mail Again Thank you

No, don’t change the level… let it on Custom level from now on… or you could lost your settings.