Good Afternoon,
For the last 2 weeks I have received a newsletter from which comes to me every Monday which I have no problems in receiving it. But now for the last 2 weeks everytime I receive it Avast gives me a warning of IFrame which I wrote to the owner of Web page and newsletter that goes out by Dan J Kroll that I get this warning for the last 2 weeks in getting a Newsletter quote this is what he said [color=Purple](IFRAME is a way the page is designed–it is code to keep the newsletter formatted properly. It is NOT a virus) my question what should I do next week when I receive this letter delete or continue if you say continue can u please tell me step by step I should do. Any help on this would help. Thank you very much for your assistance. I will follow your advise that is best for a person who dosen’t know much about IFrame and is a older person to this new technology and terms. Weird my color did not come out in Purple after the quote.