A couple of days ago I was getting some Trojan warnings on a few of my company’s sites, all via iFrames.
I don’t believe this is a real malware problem, but rather more likely another one of Facebook’s feature additions that the AV simply didn’t know about yet, and blocked. Today, I can’t get the pop up to appear at all on any of the sites so I believe the definition updates cleared up what was most likely just misinformation.
The problem is, I have been pushing the company to allow me to start redesigning and updating their sites, and they have been dragging their feet. Their current designer is, quite frankly, doing a lousy job. And I used this “trojan” alert to light a fire under management’s behinds to get them more seriously thinking of putting me on the job.
What bothers me is that I may have raised a false alarm over these Trojans. At the very least, whether or not they were or are a real problem, I want to get to the bottom of what they really were. I want to be able to report to management “This is what it was…” not, “Well, it could have been this, or that, I’m not sure what it really was…”
I feel like a noobie asking this, but where can I dig up the logs on what was reported by Avast three days ago? I can’t remember the Trojan name the pop-up showed, and it isn’t showing up at all anymore visiting the sites.
The other designer, I hear, doesn’t want the job anymore anyway, but even so I don’t want to take over and have the first issue I raised make me sound like a total idiot.
Does Avast keep any logs of the pop-up alerts? It’s to late to “view last pop-up.” I can see it in the GUI graph under Real Time Shields, but I need the exact warning message I got at the time.
EDIT: Sorry, I should have added this:
OS: Windows XP SP3
Warnings showed up for all browsers (you name it, I have it installed).