With this virus in the news. I thought I’d try reporting infected links here
The following links trigger avast iframe virus checker (DO NOT visit the links):
Best, Peter Williams
AP Biology Info
With this virus in the news. I thought I’d try reporting infected links here
The following links trigger avast iframe virus checker (DO NOT visit the links):
Best, Peter Williams
AP Biology Info
Frame of the size 1x1 is poiting to hxxp:// which is also blocked by Network Shield.
It appears to be a correct detection.
There is an iframe tag in the middle of a sentence pretending to be web stats, see edited image to make it easier to see.
Hi AP Biology and other posters in this thread,
@RejZoR Why this is blocked?
•Computer Threats: 1
•Identity Threats: 0
•Annoyance factors: 0
Total of threats on this site: 1
General Info
Web Site Location United States of America
Below is a sample of the threats that were found.
Threat Report
Total threats found: 1
Threats found: 1
Here is a complete list:
Threat Name: Packed.Generic.56
Location: hxtp://
Not wishing to put words into RejZoR’s mouth, but:
Obviously because it (, VPLS.NET or some sub-domains of that domain - 170.CUSTOMER.VPLS.NET) is on the malicious sites lists used by the Network Shield.
Based on how and where the iframe is placed within a sentence on the document is highly suspicious in its own right. So I can well imagine why avast might have it on the blocked list.