iframer: on my site but not on pc

I am developing a site on my pc using XAMPP to create a private server.
When a php page displays one of my uploaded jpg images Avast detects an iframer virus on the file but not when I run the same page via XAMPP.
I have added ‘.txt’ to both files and examined them with a text editor.
I cannot detect any difference.
Summary two apparently identical files but Avast thinks the uploaded one has a virus.
Anyone else experienced this?

can you post the link to the detected file, please?


Thanks for your swift reply, here tis:

detection is caused by server response “401 Authorization Required”, where is the detected code – see attached image.


Sorry, I don’t know what you mean by 'detected code '.
F12 shows the same html present in your image.

The Authorization Required message appeared only after I exited a box containing:
Microsoft Edge The server … is asking for your username and password.

The image is in a freely available folder and none of the other images have this fault.
The above only appears after Avast says it has detected iframer within the jpg.
Avast is happy with the image on the duplicate site on my laptop.
I have re-uploaded the file but get the same error.


The question is why are the entire folders get redirect to a Montesori school website…


Seems like there is something wrong with the setup of the server.

Yes, there is something wrong on the server, because it adds some hidden iframe after closing html tag.
