Illegal operation

I updated my video drivers to the latest from nvidia…
Now if I stop avast protection (right click avast icon) it performs illegal operation and must shut down, which is what I wanted but it never did the illegal thing till I did my drivers…any suggestions ?

ASHSERV caused an invalid page fault in
module at 0000:10060470.
EAX=00003d3f CS=0167 EIP=10060470 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=09d5f082 SS=016f ESP=09d5f02c EBP=09d5f068
ECX=e80f5190 DS=016f ESI=09d5f0c2 FS=3d97
EDX=00017ce4 ES=016f EDI=09d50000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:

ASHSERV caused an invalid page fault in
module at 0000:10060470.
EAX=00003f1f CS=0167 EIP=10060470 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=09aff086 SS=016f ESP=09aff030 EBP=09aff06c
ECX=e80f3130 DS=016f ESI=09aff0c6 FS=3eff
EDX=00017ce4 ES=016f EDI=09af0000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:

I’m afraid this error log doesn’t contain any useful information (no addresses of avast! modules anywhere, as if avast! didn’t have anything to do about it).
Please, try to run DrWatson.exe and invoke the problem again. DrWatson should pop up and collect some more information about the crash (hopefully).

I did dr.watson but i cant copy the “details” but i got this:

The application or one of its DLLs used an uninitialized function pointer variable or attempted to use a DLL which has already been freed.

Module Name:

Application Name: Ashserv.exe
Description: avast! antivirus service
Version: 4, 6, 622, 0
Product: avast! Antivirus

The application or one of its DLLs used an uninitialized function pointer variable or attempted to use a DLL which has already been freed.

Module Name:

Application Name: Ashserv.exe
Description: avast! antivirus service
Version: 4, 6, 622, 0
Product: avast! Antivirus

hi all,
I tried the new files you sent, thanks, and it shut the crash alert off but when i ran drwatson it freezes. I reinstalled avast and it gave me some buffer overrun or something and continued restarting heres the fault log.Its apparent the nvidia drivers are at fault because it worked flawlessly before with the directx 8 style driver.

Date 05/17/2005 Time 12:26
EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in
module at 0000:10060940.
EAX=00000f2f CS=0167 EIP=10060940 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=0196fb04 SS=016f ESP=0196fab0 EBP=0196faec
ECX=eed6d160 DS=016f ESI=0196fb3c FS=33f7
EDX=00019ce4 ES=016f EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:

Stack dump:
bff72317 00000000 00000001 0196fb0c 337fcb08 16df4222 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000016 000000f8 0196ff88 bff7186d 00000f2f 00000000 0196fb42

Date 05/17/2005 Time 12:26
EXPLORER caused a stack fault in module KERNEL32.DLL at 0167:bff7429f.
EAX=81f3fdf0 CS=0167 EIP=bff7429f EFLGS=00000287
EBX=01939e7a SS=016f ESP=01939e5c EBP=01939ee4
ECX=eed6d160 DS=016f ESI=01939ede FS=33f7
EDX=00019ce4 ES=016f EDI=01939eb2 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
eb 95 8b 54 24 04 50 e8 04 00 00 00 58 c2 04 00
Stack dump:
bff742ab 00000000 bfc03cb9 00019ce4 00000000 00000000 01939eb2 8e7e6107 414d6107 000016df 16be0000 00000000 00000000 00980000 01100000 016c0000

Do you mean that DrWatson freezes (when you start it), or avast! freezes instead of crashing (when DrWatson is running)?

The crashes you posted seems rather similar, but occur in EXPLORER… so it’s probably not really connected to avast. Sorry, it’s not possible to say more from the listed information.

Ok, my computer froze as drwatson was collecting information on the illegal operation box, it just sits there…

You might have low RAM, check how much RAM you have once during Windows Start-up.

Are you serious ?

The only explanationmight be if ‘MFB’ hasn’t read your signature or has signatures switched off in his forum settings and hasn’t seen you have plenty of memory.

PIII 933 Mhz Slot 1 CPU SL4BT
654MB-PC133 Memory

Please, Cartel, can you say if you have uninstalled old nVidia driver before the install of the new driver?

Yes i did and made sure to clean every trace before putting in the new one, it all works fine till i try to turn avast off to play games so i just use the Sysinternals Process Explorer to shut it off.

I just did a avast vps update and got this:

MSGSRV32 caused a general protection fault
in module KRNL386.EXE at 0001:0000573f.
EAX=00000000 CS=0147 EIP=0000573f EFLGS=00000202
EBX=00000ebe SS=1ebf ESP=000079da EBP=000079e8
ECX=00000049 DS=015f ESI=00000040 FS=0000
EDX=00000ebe ES=0f57 EDI=1c870001 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8e c1 5f 59 1f c9 cb c8 08 00 00 1e 50 53 51 57
Stack dump:
00490001 7a02015f 014f24d8 7a020000 014f24f2 0372015f 016f7a1a 79970212 0802015f 00000000 13667b48 0f570f57 00070fc1 1dcf7d6c 00000000 00000f5e

It may be because you’re losing power to your motherboard. Please check your voltages if possible!

Ok I got a new board and cpu and the problems fixed, thanks people !

I have an invalid page fault problem also. I have installed Avast a dozen times since 2003 and this is the first error I’ve ever had, even on PC’s as slow as 200mhz and 64mb.

Just installed Avast and it happened at the reboot. If I manually start, Avast gets to the initial screen to check memory and disappears. The send email of the error window comes up in either case. Sometimes I get the windows page fault error window and sometimes not. Here’s what ALL the Win errors say:

ASHSERV caused an invalid page fault in
module at 0000:00000000.
EAX=00000016 CS=0167 EIP=00000000 EFLGS=00010293
EBX=096808e0 SS=016f ESP=043de290 EBP=043de2e8
ECX=043de2d4 DS=016f ESI=043de2d4 FS=3497
EDX=00000001 ES=016f EDI=043de520 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
00 00 00 00 65 04 70 00 16 00 60 05 65 04 70 00
Stack dump:
0f9dcdb7 043de330 043de344 00000409 00030001 0042fb44 0f9dd042 043de330 043de344 043de2d4 043de520 09680854 096808e0 00000000 0042f610 00000000

I ran Dr. Watson as you suggested above both prior and after the error and it says it can’t find any errors logged.

The Avast error screen says error is caused by a program bug or internal error. I can’t send the email report because I’m just setting up the system and have no ISP in it yet (it’s not my PC). I have 2 versions and both had the same error. The 1st ver was downloaded just today. The old one is from 5/05. I can’t get to the version screen at all in either.

PC is an eTower 366i
Cel 366 mhz, 128 RAM, 4.3gb HD
ATI Rage 2c, 3d, AGP built-in
Crystal sound built-in
No Network
56k PCtel modem
CD Rom and floppy
Sygate firewall

-No duplicate devices listed in Control Panel\System
-Runs nice and clean with 70 second boot time until Avast error appears

I’m afraid this crash log is completely weird, it doesn’t contain any useful address that might belong to avast.
You may check if there’s any recent unpXXXXXX.tmp (X are some numbers) file in \Data\Log folder, but it would probably contain the same (useless) info as Windows presented…

My… what is it about Windoze today? I’m about to sic Iolo’s System Mechanic on the system and will try to clear the field some. I’ll try to get back to you on what happens there. Also suspect there’s something funky about the eMachine way of doing things. Do you get an abnormal number of users with ??? about them?

Thanks for giving it a shot. I still love Avast! anyway. 8)

Eureka! I got it! Mystery Page Fault Solved! :o

Adaware gave me the hint, as it wasn’t working either (no start, but there wasn’t a Windows page fault response). It’s error sensing routine came up with an “OLEAUT32.DLL” error (a “val” something not found). I realised that replacing the DLL would help, so I ran Win98se’s “SFC” to extract the file from Win98 folder. Reboot and all was jake for both programs! Hoozah!! ;D

This bears passing around. How many other unresolved errors are from this corrupted OLEAUT32? ???

Also, perhaps your dudes and those at Adaware need a powwow. Their error sensing routine may be worth sharing. Not a bad thing considering you both write the top 3rd party Windows wares availible in their field. At least share some website links, huh?! 8)