im dunno,pliz someone explain me..

if i have outlook,what free pop based email is best,and how i configure it that way that avast scans my email?

im quite dunno about these things so any help would be great…:slight_smile:

step by step configuration,im tired of hotmail and i want to read my mail directly by using outlook or another similar program

do you have a pop3-account from your ISP?

no clue :frowning:

my brother ownz my connection,so i really dont know anyhing,i just want to use eudora,outlook or some else,too tired of hotmail BS.:stuck_out_tongue:

In theory you have a pop3 email account if you own a DSL and/or cable connection,…if you have a 56k modem or even less,…this is not an option :-\

Done a quick research regarding a free pop3 account: seems to be OK …check it out i would say

I know a few belgian free email sites,…but I guess you would not like those,…

Actually, a hotmail adress ain’t that bad if you want to block a domain or a frequent spammer,… if you use a pop3 you have to use a spamkiling tool,…

Did you ever try “yahoo” ?


i have adsl connnection btw

well ill check that lycos

yo,i got now mail,and im using outlook to read my mail,how i configurate Avast so it it will scan my mail?

pliz someone explain me

simply run the mailwizard with outlook closed,…I assume everything will work fine then :wink:

lol ok,if that is so simple :stuck_out_tongue:

thx John :smiley: