I'm having the "unauthorized change was made" after Avast! update problem

I just recently restored my computer to it’s factory setting so there are very few programs installed on my machine so far. I am running Windows Vista Home Premium on a Dell XPS 630i computer.

I reinstalled Avast and inserted the license file that I had purchased to upgrade it to Avast! Internet Security with a 1-year license. After I inserted the license file that I kept on my thumb drive before the factory reset, Avast! proceeded to update itself. As soon as that was done I was given a prompt to restart my computer, which I did.

As soon as I arrived at the windows login screen I typed in my password and was soon greeted by absence of my desktop and a box stating “An unauthorized change was made. This will result in limited functionality.” The only thing I was able to do was to click on one of the options that would allow me to open a browser to find a solution. If I simply closed the box, it would bring me back to the Windows login screen. I opened a browser and looked at the microsoft support forums and one of the causes of the error that they listed was Avast!

So I rebooted my computer in Safe Mode and used the Control panel to uninstall Avast! from there. As soon as I rebooted again, and got past the login screen in Normal mode windows was fine.

So just to be sure I repeated the process of installing Avast!, adding my license file, allowing it to update, and restarting my computer after they were completed. When I logged in to my account the problem had returned and I was looking at the “An unauthorized change was made. This will result in limited functionality.”

What can I do to fix this? I’m not that technically confident so please guide me through any solution you might have.

Windows Vista
Dell PC
Avast! Internet Security Update causes desktop/Windows explorer to not function.

do a reinstallation of avast from safe mode that should fix the problem! :wink:

NO it WON’T!!!


Since you performed a FACTORY DEFAULT reset, you need to re-validate Windows Vista from Control Panel → System and Maintenance → System. The specific codes for you Windows license are probably in some sticker posted on your system, in case you need them.

After the validation of Windows, reboot and perform Windows Update checks. Apply the updates, reboot and check again and again all available Windows Updates. For every check, new updates will appear. Apply them and reboot each time, until no new Windows Updates are available.

Two important updates for Vista are SP1 and SP2 (you need them both). They will appear as available, eventually. Only after all pertinent Windows Updates are applied, please review AGAIN the validation information (as some Windows Updates may require re-validation again). After re-validating Windows, reboot. Only THEN install avast anew and reboot after the installation finishes, even without your avast license. If, after the final reboot, avast works correctly, add also your avast license file.

Please report back.