I'm leaving the forums...

… for a while ;D

Near to the 13,000th post, I’ll need some time to work in my last project.
I’m glad to announce it: avast! Tweaker.
It will be an application to modify and enhance avast! antivirus.
It’s being developed mostly for XP (some functions will work on Windows 98).

It will be a conditionware, I mean, it will be available to avast! evangelists (at least on beta stage) and, maybe in the future, for avast! Sr. Member forum users.

It won’t be available for all avast! users, never, but only for the permanent forum users.
The users must have some knowleage about avast! and, using the forums, know how much it costs, I mean, I don’t want that newbies come here and say: “Oh, what such an interface… it looks like a toy…” C’mon, I’m making this piece of software to those who really knows what it means, technically and sentimentally.

The executable will be time limited and if the user don’t come to forums to help he/she won’t be able to use the Tweaker.

Some of the special features:

  • avast! scanning at logon time (and not only boot time)
  • avast! Quich Scan on defined file/folder
  • avast! laucher: Home, Pro, skinless, Chest, LogViewer
  • avast! services manager: temporary disabling/enabling
  • all avast4.ini file tweaks available!
  • system info (for avast! log and debug)
  • process manager for virus cleaning
  • … more

The graphics will be from Sasha (of course!) :wink:
The icon, the About picture dialog… Thanks Sasha, without your support I won’t be able to continue this work…

Oh, I’ll need some spare time before I receive some huge work from Igor like translating the avast! webpage (a stripped version), the Documentation (pdf files) and, who knows what more we, the avast! users, will see in near future… They’ve promissed surprises 8)

A very good idea to help promote an encourage people to use and help others on the forums.

I look forward to using it and hope you will be back soon.

Wow Tech, you scare me when I first saw your topic. :o

Near to the 13,000th post, I'll need some time to work in my last project. I'm glad to announce it: avast! Tweaker. It will be an application to modify and enhance avast! antivirus. It's being developed mostly for XP (some functions will work on Windows 98).

That is soo awesome Tech, best regards on your project! :smiley: ;D

I am also glad you are taking a break for a good reason…good luck with new project :slight_smile:

Hi tech

Wish you luck (you don’t need it) on your project.
Will look forward to you return, hopefully not too long 8)

Cheers crofty59

Good luck with the project.
I know that it will take a lot of work.
I wrote a avast4.ini ‘tweaker’ myself.
It is/was ment solely for my own use.
(But this may change in the future, depending on several things)

Again, good luck and I’m here or in #windows95 on the Dalnet irc server if there is anything I can do to help.

Good luck with your project, Tech.

There is many announced features available in AEC :stuck_out_tongue: But still i wish you good luck with the project. Especially for more advanced features that i can’t integrate atm.

Tech good luck with the project! I can’t wait to try it out… ;D

I'm leaving the forums...
NO your not..... Have fun on your new project. :)

Hehe, something is cooking and not just in Tech’s kitchen, but I better shut up… :-X :-X :-X Hihihihi ;D ;D

Well, while we are at Tech’s tweaker and he revealed it already, I’ll just post few examples of those logos/icons for his utility… I hope he doesn’t mind.


and this one (animated, so you can see something is actually cooking ;D ;D ):


Cheers !

Good luck with your project! :wink: Waiting for results. ;D

Good luck with that awesome project Tech ;D
I’m sure it will be great and very usefull tool :slight_smile:

Ditto… :slight_smile:
Tech , you are a purposeful or industrious person. I hope you enjoy and find much fulfillment in this endeavor !

good luck with ur idea…

hope ur back soon.

Bags first at trying it. I love beta programmes they improve my reformating skills ;D Enjoy ? tech

Hi Tech,

Partir c’est mourir un peu.
Well not for long, we hope. Anxious to see what you will come up with. Just spotted a false positive on the Uruguay 5,6,7. Who is there to complain about virus updates and false positives now? Haste ye back,


I did not resist loggin ;D
Here we are a little… Thanks for the support guys 8)

;D By the way, congratulations on your 13,000th post :smiley: