im lost! and desperate! urgent.. monitor not coming on with boot.

ive just installd a new memory card into my PC. whne i reconnected it with the power cables and all, i turned it on, but my monitor wont turn on…when i press its power button it shows a green light for about one second and then drops back to off…if i disconnected it form the PC, the monitor comes on and says its not recieving signal from the PC…what do i do???

im really lost, i have this massive project to turn in next week and dont know how to get this monitor to respond and come on when i turn my PC on…

any help will be greatly appreciated…



I’d say the problem is not in the monitor, but rather in the computer itself - e.g. the computer (= mainboard, CPU, …) doesn’t even start with the new memory?
Does it beep when you turn it on?

i know its meant to beep and it doesnt but it never really did, my pc is crap. but this happened before, and i dont know what the problem was but after a while the monitor came back on again…

that’s why i dont think it’s the card, but this card 100% works with my pc…i made sure of that… the monitor turns on when i click its power button but then it sounds like a switch is dropped or something like that, and it goes back off…weiiiirrrd

This is probably totally unrelated to putting in a new memory stick (upgrading RAM?), unless you have dislodged your Graphics Card, check and ensure it is fully seated. Check associated monitor connections and if it still isn’t working see if you can borrow a monotor from someone. If that works your monitor has died, if not you will need to check your graphics card, unfortunately there aren’t many that would let you borrow on of these, but a very cheap one (or if you have an old one) just to test. If that works then your graphics card is dead.

I assume that you tried again having ensured the RAM stick is seated correctly (this could cause a short if not seated correctly) or removed the extra RAM stick?

Are you getting any extra beeps from the computer on boot?
You usually get a single beep once the POST has completed successfully and a sequence of short and long beeps to indicate if there is a memory/graphics problem. Sorry I don’t know what each sequence of beeps is as it differs from MB/BIOS manufacturer, but may be in the MB manual (which you kept didn’t you).

Here endeth my hardware knowledge small that it is ;D

Edit: another thought, try the monitor on another pc, if it works your problem is deeper and likely to be more difficult to determine.

Change the memory card and replace with the older.
Carry your computer and really test the memory card in it when you’re buying. Or, at least, demand for changing it if it does not work in your particular computer.

ok now im worried… i’ve tried pluging in another monitor (good one!!) and it does the same thing. doesnt come on. then i took out the new memory card, and left just the old one…and still nothing!!!

also, just like the last time this happened…i get this flahsing green light on my keyboard next to a square symbol with the digit 1 inside it!!! what exactly does that mean…? im sure im meant to press some kind of button to reset the system and then it should all work…i dont have a graphics card, it’ sbuilt into the motherboard. and i know its not suhc a serious problem becaues it happened before and then it all went back to normal… what to dooooooo?

Some memory sticks requires to be ‘recognized’ by BIOS before.
You must boot, get into BIOS settings and see if the memory stick is recognized. How much RAM BIOS says you have?


im really lost, i have this massive project to turn in next week and dont know how to get this monitor to respond and come on when i turn my PC on...
You have some Hardware problems, :P as you know. I would try to concentrate on doing your " massive project " , if as I suppose you mean a school/work related . Can you use a computer @ a local library, School, or friends to complete it ? You have to figure priorities.

Troubleshoot the Hardware advice stated above, but if you’re stressed you might cause more damage.
Ascertain Priority of project, get access to another computer, then FIX your personal one, when you have calm nerves is all I can suggest .

If it’s a crap (old) Computer , I hope you have the right RAM , as you can burnout the motherboard if it’s not suitable; (pc 100 ?/ pc 133 ? ); it must be compatible; but you said you removed the “New” memory card , and still nothing.
Beep codes should be heard, but if the motherboard is cooked ??? It’s more than likely you’ve dislodged something putting in the RAM chip. Check all leads , even clean contact pins on the monitor cable. Without a display difficult to see BIOS :stuck_out_tongue:
Sometimes on old computers the monitor discharges when unplugged and takes a few re-starts to start working, as in my experience.
:slight_smile: Good luck. Do your project first, somehow :wink:

thanx for the help…i cant enter the bios because i have no display… does anyone know what the square symbol with 1 inside it that keeps flashing on my keyboard mean??? i think im experiencing what you said happend to you when u unpluggd your monitor and it took a few times, but ive tried quite a few times…as i said, this happend b efore but a while back so i dont remember how i fixed it… the monitor recognizes the computer because when i disconnect it it knows its been disconnected… my motherboard cant be burned i dont think, because the new memory is completely compatible. PC2100, and the pc works when i turn it on but doesnt beep…


now when i turn my pc on. it goes on, than shuts down after about 3 seconds, waits for about two seconds, and come back on again, still without monitor responding with it… and same green light flashing on my keyboard… :cry:

Without knowing what the keyboard is? There isn’t much hope of guessing what the 1 represents, I’ve never seen this on a keyboard, even the wireless ones I’ve used.

I think you are in the position of needing professional help rather than our best guesses and if your computer really is old and crap, it may be more cost effective to get another Second User PC or a relatively cheap low spec new one. If you have any rich uncles an early Xmas present would be nice.

Is the “1” on your keyboard located on the top right hand corner of your keyboard? If so, it just might be the Num lock, because my keyboard has the exact same “1” just without the square as you said. Whenever you boot your computer the Num Lock, (possibly the Caps and Scroll lock as well) blinks once (or a few times). I’m curious, but do you happen to have an “A” and an “Arrow pointing down” by the “1” as well? If so it is definitely the Num, Scroll, and Caps lock lights.

My cousin had a similar problem once. A virus burnt one of his memory sticks and whenever he boots his computer, the CPU will be on, but his monitor won’t turn on, even if the power button is pressed, the light will just blink, but no display at all. Since he had two memory stick, he removed the burnt one, and his computer booted with no problem.

Here is what my computer’s user manual states concerning memory modules:

If a blank screen is displayed after replacing or adding a memory module, the memory is installed incorrectly or it is the wrong type of memory. Remove and reinstall the memory.
The thing I don't understand is, that your monitor still remains blank even after you took out the new memory. However, sometimes, brand name counts. You could try to have it replaced. It could also be, that your old memory has been burnt, because even your original memory doesn't make your computer boot successfully anymore. [b]If you didn't try this already, what happens if you take out the old memory and put the new one in, on the same slot where the one was removed? How about switching the memory's position?[/b]

Hope this helps.

This is the keyboard I have:

Take a look at the top right side of the keyboard. Squared 1 is NumLock. Many Micrososft keyboards have this key…

Take a look in here… not much of info, but still it can give you some idea… it looks like you’re having some problems with booting sequence.

You are not having problems with monitor at all. Monitor works perfectly, just try it on some other system. You are having problems with your computer. Did you use wrist strap when you started to install memory module ? See more about it here:

I hope you are aware how static electricity can easily damage even brand new memory stick, and even motherboard. You have to discharge yourself prior touching those sensitive parts inside the computer. The fact that memory was brand new doesn’t say anything, since you could make it pretty “old” as soon as you touched it. Especially if you touched memory chips.

If it literally shutted off on you, that means the following:

  1. The processor fan got disconnected or loose. Make sure that the fan for your processor (AKA CPU) is plugged in!

  2. The processor heatsink popped off or is loose. You’re required to have a heatsink that’s firmly installed!

  3. There’s a short! If the RAM isn’t seated properly, a short is likely and you may get popping and sparks!

  4. Bad power button.


If you want to know the hardware is causing the problem, go download ASTRA for DOS at
If info like shown below is not coming up, there is a hardware problem rather than a software related cause.



Don’t you just hate it when people don’t reply back about the outcome of their problem ::slight_smile:

Hi Abraxas,
Actually, they didn’t have a problem on this page… ;D ;D And, they couldn’t post the answer
on the last page cause it’s all filled up… ;D :o ;D IMHO