IM Resident Shield

I like the idea of having ones’ IM protected. But how if if I’m not running the standard app’s (ICQ, MSN)? In my case I run Miranda. Is there any way to keep that protected on-access?

Probably if you set the sensitivity to ‘High’ level you will scan all files (even on run/open/modify), so you will be protected I suppose.
You can test trying to receive the test virus ( through Miranda… :wink:

Thanks… :slight_smile:

BTW Miranda’s gonna be supported in avast 4.5.


and when might we expect version 4.5?

Slightly ahead of Windows Longhorn ;D But from previous threads I think it was September possibly October hopefully, if nothing crops up to delay it.

They didn’t give a year though ;D ;D

It’s really almost ready, we’re just in no rush at the moment as the current version seems to be working pretty well and there are really no dependencies on v4.5…

… and I may add - I keep discovering new bugs every day ;D
Don’t worry, nothing really bad (since nobody found them until now) - just tiny glitches that’s nice to have fixed.

Igor and vlk,
It’s ok to say this is not a Microsoft (type) update.