IM-Shield - Question for my understanding

I experience may be once or twice a month a sporadic high activity of the IM Shield.
I never used any chats in my life, nobody else can use my machine, and the only messenger on it is the “Windows Messenger” which is not active.
“IMShield.txt” contains nothing but the starting info with date/time.

What the hell is causing IM Shield to work and produce these spikes? See screen shot below.

Don’t let me die thumb! ??? :‘( :’(

Hi jrace :slight_smile:

Take a look at the settings for the IM Shield, there is a tab for the programs that it covers, and see if you have/use any listed programs.

Also in the settings, you could set the report file to list ok items as well. When you notice that something has been scanned, then you could check the report file and see what it is scanning.


Thanks Scott,

I was watching that already, the only program I was suspecting is Skype but it does not match the dates of the mentioned peaks in IM Shield.
I have got to dig further down!

Happy New Year to all! :-*