Images not loading on Tumblr with the Avast browser

Edit I have noticed Reddit does not function correctly either, whilst using the Avast browser.

Hello everyone,

I am using the Avast browser, and I have found that it has difficulty loading images on Tumblr: the hugely popular social networking website.

Sadly this isn’t one of those issues that I can replicate at will. Sometimes it will load the images, sometimes it will not.

I don’t think it has anything to do with my internet speed, as I have tested watching HD videos while Tumblr is open, and the videos run smoothly.

Sometimes whole sections of images will not display, especially when browsing someone’s Archive: a collection of all posts a user has made.

The only semi-solid evidence I have that this is an Avast issue, is that I can simultaneously load up the exact same page on Google Chrome and watch as Chrome loads all the images, but Avast does not.

Here’s to hoping someone can shed some light on this.

Kind regards,
