Hello. I’m a layperson who bought an Imation wireless laptop extender on sale. I don’t know if the problems with this device are caused solely by Avast’s blocking the USB transmitter as a threat. If anyone could tell me if this device is a threat, then I’ll return it no questions asked. If it’s not, does anyone know how I could get Avast to…accept it? (Don’t know the right verb, sorry.)
Thank you so much for such a fast reply! I don’t know how to test–by which I mean I went to the Avast program to try to do exactly that. But the file that appears in the Malware!“wipe-shot” has a series of ellipses after the “F:/” location. Should I just plug the extender back in, go to the site you recommend, and–hope for the best?
I’ve had mine for a couple of years now, and avast has ALWAYS detected a thread everytime I plug it in.
It worked on WinXP OS, never caused any adverse affects. Now that I have Win8 it still detect the threat. However, now I can’t get the sound to go to my TV via the imation displaylink transmitter…only on my speakers.