Imation Extender Blocked as Threat

Hello. I’m a layperson who bought an Imation wireless laptop extender on sale. I don’t know if the problems with this device are caused solely by Avast’s blocking the USB transmitter as a threat. If anyone could tell me if this device is a threat, then I’ll return it no questions asked. If it’s not, does anyone know how I could get Avast to…accept it? (Don’t know the right verb, sorry.)

Thank you!

what file is detected?
where is the file located…full file path?
what malware name does avast give the file?

have you tested the file at ? (if tested before, click new test)
when done, post link to test result here

Thank you so much for such a fast reply! I don’t know how to test–by which I mean I went to the Avast program to try to do exactly that. But the file that appears in the Malware!“wipe-shot” :slight_smile: has a series of ellipses after the “F:/” location. Should I just plug the extender back in, go to the site you recommend, and–hope for the best?

Thanks again!

can you attach a screenshot of the detection?

you find attach button below txt box here

Yes, thanks, and here it is.

upload F:\autorun.inf to and test it with 40+ malware scanners

Okay, even that rejected it! ;D (See attached.)

Well, I sent it back to Amazon. Thanks for the help anyway.

I’ve had mine for a couple of years now, and avast has ALWAYS detected a thread everytime I plug it in.

It worked on WinXP OS, never caused any adverse affects. Now that I have Win8 it still detect the threat. However, now I can’t get the sound to go to my TV via the imation displaylink transmitter…only on my speakers.

how I can't get the sound to go to my TV via the imation displaylink transmitter