I just installed immunet protect cloud AV alongside my usual AV and FW. So long, it just needs members to load up the cloud and fine tune it. So far, I have no issues with a high speed internet connection. I’d like to see comments from you guys as long as there was some users that are not satisfied with the detection but I guess it’s only because so few are using it now.
Hi gdiloren…
I talked a bit about “cloud” AV’s in this thread. I didn’t know about the lack of users and poor detection rates, can you show me where you found this information? From what little I’ve heard, IP was supposed to be a good little program. In the same way, I’ve heard conflicting reports about Panda’s new cloud antivirus. The entire “cloud” approach with AV programs will have to be fine tuned and detection and removal rates perfected (exceeding that of regular AV’s) before this concept will really take off, in my opinion, primarily because of its dependency on internet connections for success. :
May God bless you
Hi gdiloren,
I am one of the first adopters of Immunet Protect, along with bob3160. I saw a gradual increase of members from 18.000 then to some 25.000 now. From the other threads on this additional av solution next to avast and ThreatFire (it recognizes these solutions) I have seen that it also verifies downloads of executables as trusted versions, e.g. google.chrome etc. It reports as “a known legitimate program has been downloaded unto your computer”. Bundled protection is a way to go, if one member is coming under fire all are being protected with av in the cloud “flak” so to say against this immanent threat, only saw one round of “ak ak” so far on my comp, but it was definitely genuine (a particular obfuscation package used inside a specific updater for a USB av solution was flagged). I think there are quite some number of avast users that have Immunet Protect now running. After testing it for some time, I think I may give it an all green,
in my vista pc i have"isdn"connection and i use hitman av until now it is good
Immunet is nice. I use’m. Very light.
I too have used IP for a while, I tried to get rid of it however because of a conflicting issue with another program. It does seem like it needs some fine tuning, but its a very light program with little impact on performance. My only issue is… I can’t uninstall it ??? I’m still chatting with IP support about it. I hope no one else encounters this issue.
As I see it, immunet is a good addition to traditional antivirus, because it essentially enhances the antivirus of your PC to also “know” infections that might not be in your current pattern database, but in the database of another vendors.
Immunet knows the common antivirus programs and can see if any of them trigger an alarm.
So essentially you get the power of being protected by multiple patterns and not only your local one.
(hmm. not really but read further down).
They do not state that so clearly, but I think this is the case.
If one user gets infected (maybe his antivirus pattern is more up to date than the rest of the cloud) and immunet recognizes the infection all other cloud users get also automatically protected. The hash of the bad file is distributed to the other users immediately.
When you activate “Monitor Application Start” (which is not activated by default), each program (hash) you launch is immediately checked online against a blacklist database. I guess this blacklist is gathered from other immunet clients that trapped the virus by their normal antivirus engine.
So I think immunet in that sense is not a classic real antivirus, but more a hash-blacklist checker. Starting with V1.0.20 they also start checking against a whitelist.
I just remarked that it only scan during installations and startup I think but if I surf the net does it scan?
If you explore carefully the Immunet Protect scan options and the settings window, there is an active protection cloud and more also… ;D you only need to turn it on!!!
This is called Active Protection Mode,
Yes, with this checked (Monitor Application Start), Immunet sends the hash of each launched .exe to the cloud and verifies if the file is “bad”.
Then it caches the result in local cache.db file, so that when you relaunch the file it is not checked twice.
You can observe this with packet sniffing.
I don’t think the .exe files are checked when they have been written to the disk. It is only upon launch when immunet checks them.
This is what I observed.
Oh thank you everyone^^"
I didn’t noticed that
If they get their user base up to a respectable amount of people.Then that would give me an excuse to say its giving me some worthwhile protection. So at this point in time I will be patient and wait before passing judgment.
I had to remove Immunet Protect from my XP Pro system as it kept hanging up.
YEP!!! I will be waiting till its out of Beta and more stable thats for sure Yokenny
It’s stable on my Vista Sp2 system 8)
I gave it a try, installed it about a week ago and it’s working fine, no bsod’s, no problems whatsoever and it’s very light on system resources. Win 7 64bit. Currently 35,684 people are in the cloud. ;D