Implement own remote commands - turn on GPRS & turn off limit

In the Avast! Anti-Theft adds the ability to use the user’s own remote commands.

Which command should be sent to the phone to activate the GPRS and remove the traffic limit?


such a command isn’t implemented. sorry.


Implement own remote commands

Avast! Anti-Theft is able to launch any programs on the phone and pass data to the launched program.

SMS command: <Activity or service name, fully qualified>


2222 at.domain.package.Activity Test will start the activity OR service at.domain.package.Activity and pass Test as an parameter to it.
2222 at.domain.package.Activity This is my command line will start the activity OR service at.domain.package.Activity and pass This is my command line as an parameter to it.

The activity or service needs to be positioned on the root of the package (sub-packages are NOT supported).

Data transfer is done via Intent:

Intent i = new Intent();
i.putExtra(“number”, origNumber);
i.putExtra(“cmd”, data);

This means you can then read (in your service or activity) the sender number in the String extra number and the command from the String extra cmd.

Anti-Theft always tries to start an Activity first, if none is found it tries to start a Service, if this fails it will reply with an error SMS.

I see that is not implemented. So I ask: is it possible to implement this feature their own teams?

you can enable / force the data connection on by sending the SMS command DATA ON (rooted devices only). However this will not remove the traffic limit.

Thank you! The works. Maybe you can find another command to disable traffic limit?

No this is system only. Maybe on rooted phones but i need to check that if i got time.