Import LastPass exported passwords into Avast Premier

I know this has been posted elsewhere but having found a resolution.

LastPast exports to a text file, but how do I import that into Avast Premier? The only options for importing are importing from browser (not doing that) or importing from Avast EasyPass.

I just bought Avast Premier in part for the passwords. I have hundreds of passwords. Can’t rebuild a password vault from scratch.

Currently it is not possible, but avast is already working to import passwords from a csv file.

I have the same question

Last post was made here on February 17, 2017. Please start your own topic, and post your question here: Please include as many details you think are needed to get the help you require.

There have been significant and numerous changes in Avast since 2017.
As suggested, starting a new topic with relevant information pertaining to 2019 Avast will help address your issue.

Looks like the only solution is to … OPEN LASTPASS in the Avast browser and manually add passwords as you visit sites that need a password. Sigh …

And it’s just about impossible to read those tiny blurry letters in the password verification on this site … trying one more time (this is 3) …

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