hello i m using free antivirus so
if avast shows virus in my c drive and i send it to the chest, then if in 2 days i come to know that my pc not working properly bcoz important file has been moved to chest then wat to do if virus still in that file?
i deleted virus from chest and i think avast deleted important file from c drive bcoz i get error.see this screen shot plz.
wat i do now?
You deleted the file from the chest so there is not much you can do. reinstall the program, os to fix that problem.
what was the file you sent to the chest at the first place?
it probably was an false threat of avast I think because you got problem with your computer when you deleted that file.
you should have sent it in to avast and tell that it might been a false threat.
a small advise to you after sending files to the chest its a protected area away from your computer so it can’t do anymore harm to it.
hope this will do as an answer for you.
but why avast finding wrong viruses if they r false?
how i can know that file which avast warned is false or really a virus?
It is not necessary to post the same questions in every corner of the forum, this will only confuse those trying to help you, as they will not know where to respond
Krypton you can upload the suspected files to Virus Total and/or
Jotti to see what other scanners are saying about the files.
o sorry i will post only 1 topic.
i will post at http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=60466.0