IMPORTANT! Fix utility for corrupted avast! v6/v7 installations

Hi all,
if you have problems with “hung” updates in your avast! installations, please use this tool:

For version 7.0.1407
please run FixUpdate.exe, then run VPS update from avast! GUI. You can ignore the question whether you want to run a program update after the repair is done, because there’s no further program update available for 7.0.1407 at the moment.

For version 6.0.1367
please run FixUpdate.exe. After a few seconds, you will be asked whether you want to update the program (to version 7). If you choose to update, click “Yes” and wait several minutes for the process to be finished (you can check on the Maintenance / Update page - after the update is done, the page gets updated and says “Current version 7.0.1407”, with a note that it’s necessary to restart the machine to finish the update); then restart the computer.

The tool is meant to fix a specific problem, in particular the one mentioned e.g. here:
If the machine is not affected by this particular problem, the tool will report so (usually with error code 2 or 11) and won’t do anything.
If you did not experience any problems updating the virus definitions in the past 24 hours, just ignore this tool - there’s no point in running it.

Again, we apologize for the inconvenience.


Thanks for the update, but before I go ahead, do I click on that FixUPdate.exe and what do I do next? Also, run VPS update? From Avast in Maintenance and click on engine and virus definitions? I am speaking of version 7.0.1407. I need to be clarify on that. Thank you.

I have a windows 7 with avast pro 7. I ran the tool but it comes up saying I do not have the problem with code 11. But the main UI shows 27-0 update in red. when I try to update it works and says updated to 27-1 but the main UI shows 27-0 in red. Should I uninstall and reinstall?

Thanks Pavels.

Just reboot, it should bring them back in synch:
If that doesn’t do it - Try a repair of avast:
XP - Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.

Vista, win7 - Control Panel, Programs & Features, uninstall a program, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.

You may need to reboot after the repair.

This has in the past resolved this out of sync issue between reported and actual VPS version.

I haven’t had problems updating my virus definitions. Should I still run this fix?


Downloaded it and it said my installation did not have the problem. Once again I managed to avoid a bad VPS file. I’ve never been bitten by one yet . ;D

How do you do? Or, better, what did you do? ;D

Why all the need for all these fixes on a final release…un-installs…re-installs and pages of people with all sorts of problems! Last time I will ever test an A/V beta! :frowning:

Thanks DavidR, I did just a reboot and it did not work. I then did a repair and a reboot and now it is showing 27-1 in green, all ok. I have another computer that is already showing 27-1 in green and also ran it on that one to be sure, it also showed the same error but I assumed it was because it did not get the bad file, I can not understand this because I turned them on and off at the same time, got a guess? I guess just do not worry about that one? Thanks for your help slybo

Ran the fix and it reported no problem. So I guess I’m OK.

I get the following message when trying to run this fix:
Your avast! Installation doesn’t seem to have the problem this fix is
supposed to solve (code:11).
I’m getting ready to setup my new computer in the next few days but I still need protection
for the moment on this one.
My last definition update was 120226-2 and my program is still at 6.0.1367.

thank you

You’re welcome.

I never boot up until the afternoon here. The late afternoon usually and so far all the bad updates have been the first one of that day. I almost never get those.

okay worked fine thanks :wink: ie I could update to 27-1 after running the fix.

Downloaded it but it says I have no problem. But I do! Went to add/remove hit the button I get “error reading product data” Now what?

Can you please send me (by email) the files “prod-ais.vpx” and “part-setup_ais-57f.vpx” from the “C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\Setup” directory?


I downloaded the patch, and the message says that my system seems to have no problems, so you do not run. Instead nela Avast still does not update the virus definition (the last is the 120226-3), or the program (Avast Pro 6.0.1367) to the new version 7. Also I can not even uninstall it. Thank you for your help. (translated by Google)