I had the same result as Exbiker, and am also sending you my files (as you requested previously), if that’s alright.
Just sent now, to the avast.com email.
I had the same result as Exbiker, and am also sending you my files (as you requested previously), if that’s alright.
Just sent now, to the avast.com email.
Yes please send me the files.
If the request of the two files are also addressed to me, I do not know how and where to send them. Sorry I’m new, I tried to find out how, but I did not understand. Thanks (translated by Google)
I have the 7.0.1407 version.I still can’t get any updates.I tried to run that exe file,but still nothing happened.I still can’t get the updates.I tried to uniinstall avast,but can’t even uninstall it!So I downloaded and installed Macaffe.I hope that 2 antivirus programs will not conflict.What do you think?Please help
I just noticed the cloud shows connection not established. Since this issue was an update problem is this part of it or is the servers just down for the moment?
I clicked on FixUpdate.exe and it stated that nothing is corrupted, etc. But, the update for engine and virus definitions still do not go pass and it kept initializing since last night. So, what should I or other people who are experiencing this, do? Thanks.
Looks like http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility is the one to do this.
Just did a clean install,fixupdate didn’t work,all is now in working order.
facepalm Same problem as the above several people. “FixUpdate.exe” reports that nothing needs fixing, but I still can’t get updates, and new to me, using the Add/Remove button in the Windows XP “Add/Remove Programs” settings returns an “avast! Setup Fatal Error”. As such, I’ve sent you an e-mail with the requested files in a ZIP file. (The file is named “JDC_avastVPXes.zip”.) Hopefully, we can get this second snag straightened out!
Many thanks, Vik. Definitions and program updated successfully!
Count me as another person stuck!
FixUpdate.exe says nothing is wrong Code 11
Avast v6 IS Paid (just rebought 2 weeks ago 2yrs on 3PCs) won’t upgrade anything anymore. No UI update to V7 and no definition update.
About ready to really get upset. I was staying calm thinking this FixUpdate.exe just had to be the fix for my three machines! What’s the course of action now? What’s the timeframe for a real fix?
EDIT: Add/remove says installation is corrupt for Setup directory.
BTW My Avast IS install is in C:\Program files\Alwil Software\Avast5 if that matters.
Sent along the two files requested earlier in the thread to your email address VLK.
Ok, this is strange. In Program Files, there is no Avast, but Alwil Software, and then inside that, it is Avast5. But, it is Version 7 that was installed , not Version 5. Does Avast5 means Version 5? I used Avast for few years and it was fine until upgraded to V7 and then it has an issue, etc.
Right now, it shows 120226-4 and 7.0.1407.
I can’t remove it from Add/Programs because it stated reading product error which shows C:\Program Files\AliwilSoftware\Avast5\Setup\
I guess I would have to uninstall it with aswclear and then install it again with either V6 or V7?
I think I should do this tomorrow as it is a bit late.
Ran CCleaner and restarted computer and then Cloud Serviced now showing connection established. Maybe I just did it at the right moment in time and the servers came up or maybe it worked by removing some junk. Anyway wanted to post in case it helps someone. slybo
@ Joseph Collins, beaker1024
If the fix doesn’t work for you, e.g. it is reporting you don’t have the problem the fix was for, etc. You have the Fatal Error relating to avast.setup and a clean reinstall is probably the best/quickest option if you don’t want to await the outcome of your email for another fix.
See my post here for more info - http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=94395.msg752978#msg752978.
It isn’t strange to have ALWIL Software as the folder, if you updated from avast5 to avast6 that folder name (and sub-folders), etc. would have been retained, the same would be true of the update from avast6 to avast7. If you do a clean reinstall at any point then the folder name would be changed to AVAST Software, etc.
But, yes it looks like a clean reinstall will be required for you with the fatal error.
tried fixupdate.exe here but did but it gave me error code 11, update still stuck at initialization.
i proceeded to try to uninstall via windows uninstaller, Avast! setup produced fatal error (did not save a screenshot of it)
so i went through the following steps after that:
problem solved.
on a side note, i tried windows uninstaller after that, it did not produced fatal error message anymore.
any idea if the corrupt update will affect Avast! setup/uninstaller?
system specs: Windows 7 32bit sp1 running programmes: kingsoft pc doctor 3.3, comodo firewall 5.9
Ok, thank you. I will be doing that tomorrow.
Fix worked here all back to what ever is called ‘Normal’ LOL
Fix worked for me too, all good here. Thanks Avast
I believe that I do have the problem that this fix is intended for, but I got Error 11.
I’m running Windows 7 64-bit. Avast! version 6.0.1367. My virus definitions are 120226-4.
Yesterday I received an Avast! pop up saying there was a new version of the program.
I tried to upgrade the program in Avast! It stalled.
I then rebooted and tried again. Stalled again.
After that I tried to update my virus definitions… that also Stalled.
To quote VLK:
[i]"If avast got into the state where it “hangs” when you attempt to invoke an update (either virus definitions or program update) you will have to manually fix it by downloading the program I mentioned.This happened to people who tried to invoke a PROGRAM update in the last ~12 hours (from within the avast UI).
That describes my experience exactly.
I cannot update my virus definitions by using Maintenance in Avast!..hasn’t worked since yesterday and seems to exactly fit this thread:
http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=94454.45 Topic: Avast corrupted - will not upgrade or uninstall
I just ran FixUdate.exe and received Error 11.
So the FixUpdate didn’t work for me, but from what I’ve read in this thread and the one linked above, I thought that this problem did apply to me.
What part of the world are you from??
I also experience this problem but FixUpdate.exe just returns Code 11 and problem persists.