Important--new im worm discovered, does avast detect?

Hi, I was browsing the web when I came across this article.
Asian website I think, it says about this new dangerous variation of IM-worm detected by kaspersky.
Really want to know if avast has detected or able to detect it. thanks guys, btw i do not have samples.

i’m got a sample on it :slight_smile:

Does avast detect?and can you please upload to virus total so every company will get a copy.

its uploaded Avast dont Detect it, did send a sample to avast,

Yes and it will get higher priority"I think"and a link to this topic will be good
Thanks,Malware Fighter :wink:

Any links to this virus total report?

Can someone please reply when avast can and will effectively detect this worm?

VirrusTotal - 17/41

VirusTotal - 21/42