Impossible to reinstall

Hi, i´m a happy owner of home edition of avast till today, suddenly antivirus decided not to work, no blue ballons in my system tray, no avast working programs related to avast in running programs in windows. Decided to uninstall then reinstall, but as some executables are missing needed to use aswclear. Then tryed to reinstall, everything okay but when rebooted, same files are missing and no activity of avast is found on my computer. Tryed to unisntall and reinstall several times in different folders but every time the same files are missing so the antivirus doesn´t run. I use spanish language in XP Sp2 computer (centrino 1,4), hope you can help me nefore i have to install a new antivirus, thanks in advance.

There are other threads about executable files disappearing from the computer.
Seems you need a full cleaning of virus and rootkits (hidden virus).
I suggest you visit this page for antirootkit detection, removal & protection.

Full computer on-line scanning:
Trendmicro housecall

Also check recent topics as this seems to be doing the rounds at the moment, a search for bagle and blacklight and see if you can monitor what has been said in other topics. For instance,

If F-Secure Blaklight (or anything for that matter) finds a bagle rootkit Igor was asking for a sample in an earlier thread.

Thanks… although I’m not sure the user will be able to get clean and, at the same time, be able to ‘store’ the sample to send to Igor…

Anyway, if possible, send an email with the file to:
You can zip and password the files… Inform a link to this thread and the password used.

Hi, fsecure blacklight didn´t find anything, kaspersky online scan and mwa found a thread of bagel rootkit, but mwav is unable to finish, at half scan program always collapses and is impossible to get a .txt file with details, kaspersky only gives a diagnostic doesnt clean, so it would be great if you can tell me about a solution for this anoying bagel, i´m unable to clean it. ProcessGuard is stopping files like 35267272.exe (with different numbers) every five minutes but i cant stop the main process that genereate and execute this files (i dont know which one it is). If theres a way to installa an antivirus please tellme cause its driving me crazy, thanks in advance!

Hi!, finally killed it, with panda antirootkit, it just erased two archives and two register entries but it was enough to can install an antivirus and get security again, thanks.

It would have been nice if you had been able to capture a sample and sent it to avast for analysis.

But, when you up to your A** in alligators the last thing going through your mind is draining the swamp ;D

Its interesting that sometimes Panda fixes this, sometimes Blacklight.

I wonder if there are 2 variants?

I wish avast start to have an antirootkit module ::slight_smile:

I would be a willing tester any time someone wants to send a beta my way ;D