We are (1 of our activities) an integrator for computer hard/software, located in Belgium…
Since over a month I’m trying to find a way to sell Avast! to our customers. I have not yet received any response from the Avast! (alwil) sales team, wich I think is very sad. (I sent some emails to sales and some personal addresses as well)
We have some customers who are in need of a good antivirus solution very urgently. I was trying to recommend Avast! and not going down the road of McAfee or Symantec, but it’s impossible for me to keep delaying this.
Can anyone advise me on this? Preferrably someone from Avast!/Alwil…
I have also seen there’s no distributor yet in Belgium, it would be a great way if we could lift up sales that way…
Thanks for your clear and fast reply.
I tried contacting sales without luck.
I also tried contact Vlasta Chmelickova (acount manager) but haven’t gotten any response yet. It’s been a few weeks now…
I also filled in the form of the Reseller program. That’s the way we would like to work, a good (and fast) way to distribute the Avast! products in Belgium (/Benelux) to our customers.
Maybe best to send out a fax to Alwil Software, or if you have any other suggestions?
thanks for your interest in our antivirus and my personal sorry for problems with communication with our staff…
Vlasta Chmelickova is our account manager, but you’ll receive the invoices prepared by her in future
Our International Sales manager - Zuzana Kopecka - has broken her leg about 4 weeks ago and she’s lost lot of time. Maybe your application made in the form was lost too.
She tried to contact the guys/gals which filled the form completely, but maybe you’ve missed VAT, web site or your address contains only PO BOX…
I’m sure you’ll understand that from your nickname we can’t find your application, verify it and send you needed documents…
Be so kind, please and write directly to me: kucera at avast.com