I am blind and have 2 computers.
My laptop has a fully accessible avast5. (Installed in April). I can configure the settings to my liking.
Avast in my desktop is partially accessible. My screen reader cannot read the settings and help files. The settings page also looks different from the accessible version.
[Installed in July]. I cannot configure the program.
(the inaccessible settings page which has main screen blacked out automatically; the accessible version does not have blacked out main screen.)
Recently I received an upgrade to Avast 5.0.677 for both machines. The problem in my desktop remains.
In early August I asked a sighted person to uninstall Avast in my desktop in safe mode using the Avast uninstaller and reinstall a version downloaded from CNET but the problem persist in the desktop. So how can I get a fully accessible version of Avast like in my laptop?
Thanks, blind user
Can you clarify for me what product of Avast you are using – Free or Pro or AIS?
Is your laptop and desktop the same OS (operating system)? Can you please tell me what they are? If I understand correctly, everything works fine in your laptop, but it is your desktop that has the problem…correct? Your screen reader works fine with everything else on your desktop except Avast on your desktop?
I am slightly confused as to what you are looking for here: Are you looking to download version 5.0.677 again or something else? Yes, there was a recent upgrade, but you can also change your settings to NOT automatically get the upgrade and just be notified of the upgrade and you can do it when you are ready just by clicking a button. To do this, open the Avast GUI > click on Settings > Updates > under Programs click on “Ask when an Update is available” (middle button). When a Program update is available, your program version on the Summary/Main GUI page will turn from green to red and there will be an “Update” button to the right of the version number – just click this “Update” button and the version will automatically update for you when you are ready.
Some people are finding the colors and font/print of the GUI difficult and too light who are not having visual impairments. Suggestions have been made to the Avast developers for improvements for future versions; this is to be determined.
If I misunderstood you in anyway, please clarify. Thank you.
Which screen reader are you using?
Could you send me a screenshot of the 'blacked out main screen '?
You may do a screenshot by pressing ALT + Print Screen.
please try the folowing:
reboot your system
run your screen reader
only after the screen reader is running, open avast window.
i use JAWS10 and NVDA , XP pro in both computers. security software in both computers the same but in desktop i have an additional software called 'disk disinfector ’ that prevents auto startup by pendrives. current avast 5.0.677 in both computers.
the problem is my screenreader cannot read help center, and settings after i clicked on the buttons and taken to the page.
in my laptop, i can access for configuration such as 'basic settings, updates, virus chest, virus alerts, exclusions, , set pass word etc but in desktop i cannot set my preferences as my screen reader cannot read anything.
i have made a printscreen but do not know how to upload. can you please give instruction?
the window in the screenshot is protected by Avast self defence module.
it means that no program can access it, including screen readers.
being accessible will expose it to potential malware attacks.
please ask a sighted person to turn off Avast self defence( see settinst - trouble shooting -“enable avast! self defence module”).
or did you find other parts of avast which are not accessible?
you have password protection in your avast settings.
i suspect that you have accidently entered an empty password.
as the ‘black screan’ appears, try to press Enter.
is it working now?
if so, go to settings - password and unchek the ‘protect avast with password’ checkbox.
did you have access to avast settings in this computer before?
when did this password window started to appear?
it seems that you or someone else have entered a password in avast settings.
i recommend you to reinstall avast - it will reset the settings and remove the password protection.
i had asked a sighted person to use avast uninstaller to uninstall in safe mode in august. this is the reinstalled
version but password remained.
perhaps there is something that is done wrongly? i asked my nephew who is just a primary school kid to help me. will revo uninstaller clean up all crumbs better?
anyway, all sighted help are on vacation till next week.
Download the Avast Uninstall Utility, aswClear5.exe and save it to your HDD (it has uninstall tools for both 4.0 and 5.0). If you had 4.0 on this machine in the past, uninstall BOTH 4.0 and 5.0 at this time.
Disconnect from the Internet at this time; turn off your connection from the Internet.
Uninstall Avast through “Add/Remove Programs” through Control Panel if possible.
Boot into Safe Mode (hit F8 repeatedly) and run the Avast Uninstall Tool.
thank you for your valuable instructions. all sighted help is on vacation till next week. therefore i will get back to this forum next week
cheers, emel
i have finally successfully uninstalled using both add/remove programs and avast uninstaller. a big thank you to all who gave advice. i think the step-by-step instruction on a clean uninstall offered by ‘AVAST EVANGELIST’ would be great in FAQ. a heartfelt thank you to you
I am so happy that everything finally worked out for you! I’m glad that my step-by-step instructions helped you and the person assisting you.
Now that your issue is resolved/fixed, please go back to the first open post in this topic, click the modify button in that Post and change the title/subject, add [Resolved] to the beginning of the title so this thread can be closed.
Feel free to come back any time you need help, to learn something new, or just to ask questions. We are here 24/7 for your convenience. Thank you for allowing me to assist you.
Are you referring to the autosandbox window? There isn’t a selfdefense window… Oh, there is an UAC-like window, but that can’t be read by screen readers as it is, as must be, an independent window that asks for user intervention.
How do you read/listen the UAC Windows messages?