Incompatible or void download page

When I try to download Avast free the window pops up and the gray button doesn’t behave as button at all. I can see this error in console:

pageTracker is undefined

The button has the onclick event remarked out:

/*pageTracker._trackEvent('Free Pop-up', 'cs-cz', 'Free button');*/

This makes it normal span.
So guys come on. Even lame web programmers can make base of their sites working for all the time. Even for outdated browsers like FF3 or IE6.
PS.: Sorry for posting there, but there is no section dedicated for errors on your sites though they evidently occur.

Hi Darker,

From the code box, it appears that you are viewing the Czech localisation?

I tried that, and it seems to work for me.

When clicked, it goes to a download page.

How doesn’t it work for you?


I explained why it doesn’t work. In firefox 3 the part of the javascript code is commented out. This is compatibility problem that should be handled by the site administrators (if they’re good enought to fix it…). In Opera same site works.

Are you running no script ?

Firefox 3, ok. will have to try that.

It works here in 10.0.1 (and I think the latest one is 11). i.e. when I click it, I am sent to a download site, to get avast.

I’d get no javascript errors then…

I just tested it, no problems here with FF3.

Why are you using FF3 - that must be a few years old and probably as leaky as hell

Not really, until lately it was an own branch of FF and did get all security updates. :wink:
But 3.6.28 was most likely the last version update, will change to the ESR version soon.