incorrect expiration date since avast 6.0.1000

I registered avast today and noticed in the GUI the following:

expiration date: 3/11/2012 4:29 pm.

The date is a day behind and the time is an hour ahead. this never happened with avast 5.0 and 5.1

If you count the registration day and the expiration day as full days, you have a full year registration. But do you really think this is a problem ???

Greetz, Red.

The wrong expiration date was definitely noticeable and how hard is it for avast to fix this. I registered one computer on march 1 and the date said feb 29. Some like to know the exact date that they registered.

Leap year is in 2012.

OK, so the registration is not for 1 year, but rather 365 days… Is it really such a huge problem? :slight_smile:

not a big problem i just like to know when i have registered something and have it be the correct date :slight_smile: just saying

doesn’t this just have to be fixed on the registration server? ???

What do you want to have fixed? 2012 is a leap year, nothing to fix there. ???

the year is fine just fix the date its off by one.

No, it’s not off one day, it’s perfectly fine. Leap year == 366 days.

so if i where to register avast tomorrow for someone it would have the correct date… 3/13/2012?

Depends on your definition of correct apparently. It’s correct already as it is in your very first post.

Obrigado por lembrar-me, mas a validade expira em março de 2012.

i tried a clean install and now the time is off an hour its 3:29 here not 4:29 ??? and its not the 11th either :-\

Yeah, “here”. It’s 22:34 here. Check your timezone settings. No idea what “its not the 11th either” is supposed to mean either. ???

I’d conclude this thread with “some people simply have too much time on their hands”.

the 11th of march… isn’t it the 12th today?

May I suggest that you post a screenshot of the avast! current status GUI and of your computer clock control panel?

there you go…

Yeah, and the problem with the expiration date is? It’s 365 days. Once again, 2012 is a leap year (i.e., 366 days)… I don’t really see how much more could one explain it. The registration is valid for 365 days.

It wasn’t like this before when u would register beginning after march 1 it is one day off