I get that page loading text problem now and again and a page refresh usually fixes it for me, it’s never consistent though and it only happens once a week or so for me, maybe it’s related to the slow forum responses we’ve been receiving ???
I have never seen that either, it may well be down to the https and the issue of mixed content.
@ Bob
Have you changed any settings in your laptop’s browser relating to mixed content ?
Most browsers can be set to only display the secure content, so I don’t know if A) this would have this impact or B) if you have actually applied that setting.
I though it might resolve it, we have certainly seen this https URL in notification before. There doesn’t appear to be any consistency in this either as not all notification links are https. I don’t know if a user happens to be using something like https always (don’t know the proper name) it forces the topic to be https. So my guess is that the notification would also use https in the notification link.
Essentially the forum notification email software needs always use http, but I don’t know if there is that degree of configuration in the SMF forum software.
I use only the regular HTTP addy, but have on rare occasions seen more or less the same here in Firefox … usually, but not always, a page reload clears it up, particularly if I clear the cache first.
One other possibility occurred to me, at least in my own case … my graphics controller is an antique Intel 82845-series onboard chipset, for which updated drivers haven’t been available in ages, and it has problems with one game in which it’ll occasionally lock up and eventually give me an error message that a DLL driver for it failed to operate, and the whole system then drops back to 4-bit 640x480. Everything’s good as new if I reboot … I’ve never run into that problem in any other context, so I assume the game’s trying to call a function that the controller never heard of and there’s nothing wrong with the controller itself (or its drivers), and probably totally unrelated to the forum display thing some of us are occasionally seeing.
For whomever is an administrator, if the forum can be set up to support https:// mode, then it should solve half the problem. From there it’s just a matter of resolving the notifications email issue, which should either display one or the other…and preferably https:// because of the added security it provides, even if it’s not very secure in this form.
Far from providing added security, it doesn’t, it just encrypts the traffic. I would say that it is worse to have it on https as the web shield doesn’t scan https content. So you effectively lose the protection of the web shield, whilst that may not necessarily be an issue on the forums, but web sites aren’t immune from being hacked.
Indeed, but isn’t encrypting traffic a bit safer for those who use the forum, at least in terms of logging in and out or changing personal account information?
Not if the forum gets hacked. As David explained under https you loos the protection of avast! which is more important to me then what’s offered by the security gained from encryption.
At the moment however the email notifications which start with https are very annoying and need to be addressed.
It rather depends on your definition of safer which is different to what you said before ‘added security.’ I can’t remember the last time I actually logged off, so when I connect to the site again I’m automatically logged on; changing personal account information doesn’t travel back to your computer.
Encrypting the traffic only prevents snooping on the connection it doesn’t do anything if the site happens to have been hacked, just that the malware payload would come down the pipe encrypted.
What profile - or do you mean your signature ?
If you mean your signature then - if you fill in your profile, Signature: it gets placed under your posts, that is the way it has been for years.